Chapter 19

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                                                                        ***Liam's POV***

Never had I imagined that her life story would be that depressing. No one ever does though. I give her so much credit for being strong. Most people wouldn't say that trying to commit suicide is strong; I do. She could've tried it another time after I stopped her, but she didn't. She went on in life like nothing even happened. I admire that. That's some of the many reason why I love her so much.

I drove to the apartment after I retrieved my car from the club. She was surprised that I learned how to drive with a stickshift. She thought I taught myself, but what I never told her was that I found someone to teach me. Once I opened the door, she went straight to the couch, snatched my favorite blanket I usually use, and fell asleep. Today has already been a stressful day, so I don't blame her one bit at all. I was about to go grab another blanket to sleep in the loveseat when my phone vibrated.

          "Hello," I asked answering the phone.

          "Hello Liam," my mother greeted me.

          "What a lovely surprise mtoher Mother, I haven't spokent to you in what seems like forever," I beamed.

          "Yes it has been a while," she said. She then turned quite serious. "Liam, I have some news for you."

          "What kind of news mother," I inquired.

          "I'm sorry to inform you that your time is up," she gloomly told me.

          "'My time is up'" I quoted her.

          "Yes, the cabinent members think that you have been gone long enough. Your father is on his way to retrieve you," she informed me.

          "Father is coming here," I questioned her.

          "Yes, I'm afraid so," she answered.

          "Mother, what would you say if I had a girl to bring back?"

          "I would say that we are now in a difficult situation," she replied.

          "And why is that," I asked her in confusion.

          "That is because your father has already chosen a betrothed for you."

          "Mother, I have got to go," I told her quickly as I had nothing to say after that.

How could he? My time is not up yet. I have 2 weeks left and yet he already picked someout out for me. I can't believe he has done this. Glad he will be her soon, that way we can talk all of this nonsense out.

                                                         ***Raine's POV***

Right as I walked into Liam's apartment, i crashed out on the couch. I was really tired, could you blame me? It wasn't until a bit later that I cam around. I heard weird noises, so I decided to explore and find out where they were coming from. What I saw was not expected. Right in front of me was a furious Liam punching the wall with very bloody knuckles.

          "Bloody hell, what do you think you are doing Liam," I yelled at him while running to him to inspect his hand. (AN: not pun intended, i just saw that while typing it up (:)

          "It's nothing Raine, leave it alone," he told me with a harsh glare while pulling his hand out of my grip. I grabbed it right back.

          "If it was 'nothing' you wouldn't be punching a fucking wall," I swore.

          "It's family matters okay; you wouldn't understand."  

          "Understand? Well, isn't that the understatement of the year? Liam, you stopped me from attempting suicide, I told you about my dead twin sister, all my deep thoughts, and every single on of my secrets, buy yet you can't tell me thins. Well ain't that lovely," I sarcastically ended my rant.

          "You're right," he admitted in a quiet voice.

          "What was that, Liam? I didn't hear what you said."

          "I said that you were right," he said louder this time.

          "Okay, that's what I thought," I beamed. "Alright, now out with the family problem," I demanded.

          "I'm in a bit of a situation," he confessed.

          "Well, what kind of situation," I asked him.

          "A bad one," he answered.

          "Liam, that still doesn't answer my question, " I told him irritated.

          "My father is coming. That isn't the problem though. He's coming to get me. The Royal Cabinent says that my time is up for picking a bride and my father already has a betrothed waiting for me back home," he explianed while not once looking me in the eyes.

          "Where does that leave us," I asked him quietly not looking at him in the eyes either.

He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. "That leaves you with me; as my bride. I know that it is way too soon, but i want to marry you and pick you as the one to rule to country beside me someday. So Raine, will you be my bride?" 

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