The Yop Is Still Unaware!

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Ok it has been awhile I know that but I don't write down everything and then compile them into this story I just wing it while writing but if you guys think this writing is rubbish let me know how to make it better ok. As always R&R.


"Um you guys where is my stuff I thought I left it right here?" You asked worried. Your diary was under your pillow and you did not want anyone reading it!"oh yeah we packed it up already" Evangeline walked over and whispered in your ear "I put your journal in your bag Amalia didn't see it and no I did not read it." You were relived at the last bit because if she did you would have been so humiliated at what you wrote in there. "Thanks Evangeline!" You say cheerfully and grab your bag that she hands to you."hey Dally, Amalia, Ruel, Evangeline, Az ready to go yet?" I asked impatiently tapping my foot."why are you in a rush Yugo? "Amelia asked a little annoyed by my lack of patients." Sorry Amalia I'm just a little stressed about some things lately and it's just on my mind lately " you say exhaustedly telling the truth but not all of it 😉."yugo can you come here please" Evangeline asked very roughly I might add .you walk over and she bends over so her mouth was next to your ear "yugo do you have a crush on Amalia?" She asked in a whisper "no I do have a crush on someone though but I'm not willing to share them with anyone" you whisper back not even flinching at the question."ok well if you need to talk to anyone feel free to ask me k." She said a bit louder now but still whispering." Ok " you say and walk away feeling a bit uncomfortable about the topic now."Dally what are you doing? "I ask as he dances around like a big goofball." I'm dancing Yugo come join me it's no fun dancing alone" I blush very hard.
______Dally or Sir Percedal POV__________________
(First time in different POV than Yugo ^-^)
'Wow he is so beautiful I hope he comes and dances with me' I think as he walks over to me while I'm dancing 'I may look like like an idiot but it's not that bad it's for him so I would do anything' I sigh as he starts his graceful dance around the clearing we are in I didn't notice that I was dating at him until he stepped in front of me and snapped his beautiful fingers.... Wait when did I start thinking of Yugo like this? I'm a guy and he is a guy what am I thinking he probably doesn't like guys or me anyway. "Dally you OK ?" He asked in his beautiful voice."yeah I'm fine Yugo~" I say trailing his name off to make it sound a little girly just for the heck of it.I batted my eyes at him and did the best girl impression I could muster at the moment "how beautiful your graceful dancing is my young Yugo-kun!" I said wait did Yugo just blush' I wonder while a big blush was plastered on yugo's face " um Dally-kun are you OK your nose is bleeding" 'wow he is so beautiful wait is my nose bleeding' I grab my nose as Yugo tries to help me out 'why do I have a bloody nose? ' I mentally asked myself back to what I was thinking about ' this kid has abs great reflexes a beautiful face and to top it off I get to sleep next to him every night we are out here ' that's what I was thinking about no wonder I got a bloody nose my stupid yop brain ' "hey Yugo can you get me some paper towel for my nose bleed it's kind of messy." You say in a rush trying not to get blood everywhere. "Dally you ok?" Amalia and Evangeline ask simultaneously freaking me out " I'm ok it's just a nose bleed I'm not hurt for the love of yop" i say sounding a bit more annoyed than i am but proving a point "here Dally-ku..AHHHHHH!" I here a scream from Yugo and dart off to make sure he is OK. I find him in a river that's not to deep but he is struggling to get out "Dally help " I swim over and pull him on my back so he is getting a piggy back ride on me.
I swim back to shore where everyone else is waiting looking a bit annoyed with the incident. " alright let's get going everyone " I grab both me and yugo's bag and start walking "Dally are you gonna put me down or do I get a piggy back ride all day ?" Yugo asked blushing a storm. " well I'll give you a piggy back ride for now because you almost just drowned" I say exaggerating just a little bit. "F-fine" Yugo said yet again blushing a storm. "Wow this is a great view" Yugo said.
Hey guys I know I have not updated in a while so if you want come and comment that I'm taking forever and I will speed up the process of me writing this fic k. Remember R&R bye guys!

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