2. First Love | Primer Amor

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"Gracias por el helado." I smile at Johann and thank him.

"Todo para ver esa hermosa sonrisa." He says. "Ándale se mi novia Fernanda."

"Ya te dije que no. Solo tengo 16 mientras tú tienes 19." I remark.

"En junio cumplirás 17." He reminds me.

"Y tú en noviembre cumplirás 20." I stick my tongue out at him.

"No seas cursi. Te voy a preguntar algo..." He begins. "Te gusto?"

"Sí..." I answer shyly.

"Entonces que esperas?"

"Pero que van a pensar los del iglesia." I was raised in a church with other kids by the nuns.

"Ellos tienen que aceptar que tú ya estás creciendo y además ellos ya me conocen, no soy cualquier chico." He says to me.

"Bueno, aceptó ser tu novia." I smile and he takes me by surprise by placing a small kiss on my lips. My first kiss was so unexpected but I'm glad because I would've been nervous if I knew we were going to kiss.

"Ya me moría por hacer eso." He lets me know.

Johann and I walk out of the small ice cream shop holding hands. Being the romantic person he is, he holds the door when I'm getting inside his car.

The spring here in Madrid is so beautiful and today is extra beautiful and sunny, maybe because I'm in a joyful mood. Johann has the funniest personality, he's always making me laugh. Like right now he's supposedly closing his eyes while driving.

Johann isn't from Madrid or even Spain. He's from Ecuador but him and his family have traveled to a lot of places. His family left Madrid not that long ago and since he's 18, he decided to stay longer. We met a few months ago when his family had first moved here and attended the church I live in for a mass.

With his height and attractive features, Johann caught my attention. It wasn't until I actually talked to him that I fell for him since he would make me laugh but was very mature at the same time. After we got to really know each other, he confessed his feelings for me. It's been a month since he asked me to be his girlfriend but I only accepted until now.

"Estas segura que no quieres que te acompañe?" Johann asks me as I'm getting ready to get off of his car since we are already in front of the church.

"Sí," I answer. "No te preocupes, luego te presentaré como mi novio."

"Está bien bebe." He sighs. "Dame un besito entonces." I give him a kiss and then get off and walk towards the church.

Iglesia San Nicolás, the church I've been living in since I was born. My mother's name was Victoria and she died while giving birth to me and I never knew my father. My mother knew one of the nuns and trusted her so when she knew she was going to die, she gave me to away to the nun and now I'm here. The only thing I have of my mom besides her blue eyes are her last name, a picture of her, a gold locket of hers that I've only worn since I was 12 since it fit me by then, and a letter she wrote to me before she died that brings me to tears every time. Before dying, she ordered that I had my her last name Elizalde and be named María Fernanda. I visit her grave all the time since it's close to the church. Sé que ella me está cuidando desde el cielo.

I'm not the only one in the small orphanage, there's a few younger kids and my best friend Ivana who's my age only two months older than me since she just turned 17 this month who happens to be my best friend as well. We've all been taken care of so well and have all been educated in the small school here. I've found a family in everyone here.

"Como te fue con Johann?" Ivana asks smirking as we're inside the room we share. Ivana came to the church when we were 5 and I was so excited when she came since I would have someone to play with. She was depressed when she first came but she's managed to cope with everything especially with her cheerful attitude. We've been inseparable ever since.

"Me pidió que fuera su novia y le dije que si!" I say and we both scream of excitement. We get on the bed we share and begin to jump on it.

"Niñas que es todo este ruido? Hasta en el pasillo se escuchan." Mimi, the nun who I was given to, comes into the room.

"Es que Fer anda de novia." Ivana hugs Mimi.

"Con Johann?"

"Sí." I reply. "Porque tienes esa cara?"

"Ya sé que estás en la edad pero no se," Mimi sounds unsure.

"Johann es buen chico." I say.

"Pues su familia viene a esta iglesia así que diremos que si puede ser buen chico." She says.

"Mimi, usted siempre tiene esa sensación que pasara algo malo pero no se preocupe. Mira qué feliz se mira Fernanda." Ivana says.

"Mientras estés feliz y te trate bien aquí te apoyamos." Mimi finally says calmly. "Aquí las dejo porque tengo que hacer unas cosas." She says and leaves.

"Ahora sí amiguis, cuéntame todito lo que pasó hoy." Ivana says happily. I sit down with her on the bed and tell her everything that happened today. Today was plain and simple but I really enjoyed it.

Johann is the most amazing and perfect guy ever. He's my first boyfriend ever so this whole thing is new to me. Èl me alegra los días solo con hacerme reír y esa es una de las razones por qué me gusta tanto.


More of the cast/ Más del elenco

Paola Torres ~ María Fernanda Elizalde (she's on the book cover too)

Paola Torres ~ María Fernanda Elizalde (she's on the book cover too)

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Johann Vera ~ Johann Vera

Mariana Van Rankin ~ Ivana

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Mariana Van Rankin ~ Ivana

Mariana Van Rankin ~ Ivana

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