3. Madrid Bound | Rumbo a Madrid

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May 20, 2016

Wow, time flew by fast. On Monday I'll start attending the music school in Spain I've wanted to for a while. I've always been opened to new things and living in another country all by myself excites me. Also my mom has no control in this which I'm glad.

My friends really wanted to throw me a going-away party tonight but I really want to rest so I can arrive fresh tomorrow. Instead of partying on a Friday night, I'm packing the last of my luggage. I'm not packing too much because I'll just buy things there.

"Hijo, puedo entrar?" I hear my dad's voice as he's knocking on my door.

"Claro." I reply and he comes in.

"Emocionado para mañana?" My dad grins.

"Poquito nervioso pero sobretodo emocionado." I breathe in and out.

"I should be the one who's nervous, which I am, not you. My son is moving to a different country not just to another city like you did last fall." He says.

"Relax, I'll be back by September." I say to him. "Anyways, we've been to Madrid just that this time I will be temporarily living there."

"You look happy..." He remarks. "Yoandri I know when you're sad and when you're happy. When you were in Princeton, I know you hated it and it wasn't because you were struggling because you're super intelligent."

"I'll finally be studying something I love... Be around people who share the same passion as me. Plus, Madrid is an amazing city." I say with the biggest smile.

"Me gusta verte así de feliz. Tú sabes que yo te apoyo en esto mientras le eches ganas en los estudios también." He says.

"Quisiera que mamá me apoyara también en mi sueño." I pout.

"Ella tiene un carácter muy fuerte y solo quiere lo mejor para ti. Solo dale tiempo." He says.

"Eso espero. Quiero que se de cuenta que en realidad me hace feliz." I sigh.

"Estas seguro que no quieres que te lleve el jet de nosotros mañana a España?" He asks.

"Sí, te dije hace meses que me voy en avión." I assure him.

"Ok, es tu decisión. Te dejo para que descanses. Buenas noches y te quiero mucho Yoandri." He hugs me.

"Yo también te quiero mucho papá. Buenas noches." I tell him and then he leaves my room.

My alarm goes off from my phone and I don't hesitate on waking up like I usually do. I'm just so excited that there's no room to be tired. I get up and brush my teeth, shower, shave the stubble off, style my hair, and lastly get dressed.

Once finished with my routine, I go downstairs to have breakfast with my parents for what will be the last time for months. My flight won't be until the afternoon so I have time.

When I go to the table where we eat breakfast not only are my parents there but Gala as well. I figured she'd come.

"You're not going to sit by Gala's side?" My mom asks as I'm sitting next to her. I don't say anything, I just get up and move next to Gala.

We're all eating our breakfast in a comfortable silence when Gala speaks.

"Ew! The orange juice tastes bad!" she complains. "Carla!"

"Yes, Miss Gala?" Carla rushes out of the kitchen.

"The orange juice tastes rotten for some reason..." Gala begins.

"The juice tastes fine, you're being dramatic." I tell her.

"Yoandri, if she doesn't like the orange juice she has the right to get a new one." My mom interrupts. It's not that it tastes bad, it's just Gala is being dramatic like she usually is.

"Don't worry Miss Gala, I'll go squeeze some fresh new oranges." Carla says politely.

"I'll go help you Carla." I say as I stand up.

"Yoandri, sit down." My mom orders. "You have no business squeezing oranges."

"Don't worry Yoandri, thank you anyways." Carla smiles at me before leaving.

All that drama for some fucking orange juice? Thank god I'm leaving, thank god I'm leaving, thank god I'm leaving.

"Llévense las maletas de mi nene con cuidado!" My mom orders the two butlers.

"Don't worry, it's just two suitcases." I tell them and grab both of them.

I place my luggage in the back of the black Escalade SUV and then go inside of the SUV with my parents and Gala as the chauffeur drives us to the airport.

With the Miami traffic, I get to the airport 30 minutes before my flight even boards which isn't that bad.

"I'm going to miss you so much Yoyo!" Gala lets out a few tears.

"It's just like last September when I left to New Jersey so this shouldn't be that bad." I tell her. She frowns immediately when I say this considering that she knows I cheated on her when I was in New Jersey.

"Please don't let it be like last time." She begs.

"It won't, you know that." I assure her.

"I love you, Yoandri." She says and wraps her arms around my neck.

"...I love you too." I say to her and then kiss her. It's hard to say 'I love you' to the person you don't really love and feel forced to stay with them.

After exchanging goodbyes with Gala, I go and say goodbye to my parents.

"Mi bebe, te voy a extrañar!" My mom hugs me tightly while crying.

"Yo también mami pero voy a estar bien." I say to her.

"Estas seguro que quieres ir? If you've changed your mind, you don't have to go." She says.

"I want this, I want this badly." I say.

"Te amo Yoandri y que dios te cuide!" My mom says in a warm tone. I love when she's like this. I say 'Te amo' back and then go to my dad.

"Mi niño ya no es un niño, es un hombre. Ya solito te vas a vivir a otro país y te deseo lo mejor y que dios te me cuide y proteja." My dad says.

"Ay papa, como te voy a extrañar." I sigh trying to hold my tears but the look on my face gives it away. "Se significa mucho esas palabras tuyas."

"Yo y tu mamá esperamos ir a visitarte... Bueno si estás de acuerdo."

"Claro que si papa!"

"Flight to Madrid is now boarding." The announcer says.

"Bueno Yoandri, quiero que sepas que te amo hijo." My dad and we hug and pat each other's backs. "Cuídate campeón... Adiós."

After saying my goodbyes to all of them I begin to board the plane. Before I know it, I'm inside the plane. Even though I didn't go on our family's private jet I'm still in first class.

In just 8 hours I'll be in Madrid, Spain. This is an adventure and life is either an adventure or nothing. Dicen que todos los viajes tienen destinos secretos sobre los que el viajero nada sabe.


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