Who Fucked Who!!!!

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 Aug POV~

I woke up to my phone ringing, I looked over at the clock it was 3:30 in the morning in Jamaica which means its 4:30 in the morning in Atlanta and this was an Atlanta number.

"Hello" I said.

"Is this August Alsina" the male voice said through the phone.

"Who the fuck is this" I said getting angry, why call a number if you don't know who number it is.

"This is Max Hodges from TMZ, we wanted to see if you had any comments on the photos we have of your wife coming out the Atlanta Pregnancy Center today before there posted" what the fuck Sha doing at a pregnancy center and how dumb ca she be to let the tabloids get photos of it.

"No comment" with that I hung up my phone. Now I gotta deal with this shit.

"What's wrong baby" I didn't even notice that T had woke up. I couldn't tell her this shit right now because I don't know if Sha pregnant or not. Not even that but rather its Chris baby or mines. I know one thing Sha the first motherfucker I contacting when we get back to Atlanta.

"Nothing T, I'm good baby go back to bed" I said laying back down pulling her to my chest trying to go back to sleep but all I could think about was that I possibly got two women pregnant at the same damn time. I just got Tez to agree to keep the baby she'll probably kill me and the baby if she find out Sha pregnant to and its mines. Wait...... what the fuck Sha gon do when she finds out Tez pregnant. Damn I never thought about that, she is still my wife.

When this shit hits the media there is nothing I can do but sit back and watch my shit blow up. It's either Chris's or mines and Tez is defiantly mines, so I'm damn sure not about to have her looking stupid, I guess the truth must come out at some point.

Tez POV~

The next morning, I woke up refreshed and ready to head back to Atlanta. I'm glad I packed all our stuff last night before laying down or it would be heck it trying to pack now. Aug been acting funny this morning for some reason, I guess he don't want to leave Jamaica, me neither. I glad we figured everything out over here so that we can go back on a fresh note.

"Hey T baby, you made sure you got everything" Aug said coming down the stairs carrying the bags.

"Yea bae, are you going to eat something before we go" I said knowing he probably wouldn't but he needs to.

"Yea we got bout 30 minutes before the driver will be here. Can you whip me something up please" wow normally that takes a lot of begging and pleading from me for him to eat?

"Sure, what would you like" I said looking in the fridge there was eggs, sausage, bacon, and waffles.

"It don't matter baby whatever you make" I grabbed the eggs, sausage and bacon and some bread to make him a breakfast sandwich really quick.

"Okay ill make you a breakfast sandwich" he nodded and sat at the counter to watch me cook.

"Baby what's wrong, it seems like you mind is not here" I said watching to see if he would give me any reaction. He just put his head down and said nothing. Which lets me know there is something going on. "What is it just tell me before I find out from something or somebody else". I pleaded with him. He lifts his head and the tears just started to fall. I had never seen August cry so this was scaring the hell out of me.

"I can't fix it this time T, I fucked up" he said tears still falling.

"What did you do" I yelled. He dragged his hand down his face drying the tears.

"She probably pregnant and TMZ found out and that's how I found out" he said looking at me. I still didn't understand.

"First she who and what that got to do with you" I said a little confused.

"She as in Sha and did you forget she never signed the papers, she is still my wife" my mouth formed into a big O. She fucking pregnant that's how she plans to come in and steal Aug away. I felt my eyes get watery and sting, and I know they were coming rather I like it or not.

"Don't do that T, we don't know for sure and it could be Chris's. I just thought I should tell you before you hear it from somebody else" if he believed that he would have never told me right he has to know there is a strong possibility, its his.

"I hate when you do that" I yelled again.

"Do what" he yelled back, obviously getting angry.

"Treat me like I'm fucking stupid. I may not know everything about yall relationship but I know enough to know that yall was fucking. So it's a strong possibility that it could be yours, just say it. You always beating around the bush with me and it pisses me off" I got in his face on my side of the counter.

"Go back over there and finish doing what you was doing T. You see I'm already in a mood and you wanna get in my face and yell and shit. If you weren't caring my seed" he didn't finish his sentence.

"You would what, I wish you fucking would" I said going around to the other side of the counter. "You probably been knowing that bitch was pregnant and just didn't tell me" I said getting up in his face. I was beyond mad we just deal with the same shit yesterday with finding out I'm pregnant. I could kill his ass right now; I can't believe both of us pregnant.

"T you better gone now... I already told you I found out last night and I told you this morning. So sit your insecure, hormonal, pregnant ass down somewhere now" that hurt a little.

"Insecure, really nigga you gon call me insecure. Insecure about what Aug, when to be really honest I fucked both of yall" I said. He looked up at me and laughed.

"Man wtf you mean, I fucked both of yall that's the honesty for your ass" he said laughing harder. Once he was finished getting his seven chuckles for the day, "Man get out ya felling's T, it aint cute baby" I wasn't dealing with his shit today.

"Fuck you, go fix your own breakfast. From now on you don't say shit to me and I want say shit to you. Ima show you ass about fucking with me wait til we get back to Atlanta" I said going upstairs to change into the clothes I was wearing to the airport. He got me so fucked up insecure.

Okay I know it's a little short but I'm tired and my back hurting from the car accident I got in a couple of weeks ago. I'll update again tomorrow if I feel better and that's when I'll update No Choice as well.



Their Mistress ( August Alsina) (Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now