"hello?" chapter 1

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"Mom are you ready everyone is waiting on you" I shout from the bottom of the stairs

"Be down in a sec I just need to prep my makeup" my mother screamed back at me, I sigh and look behind me at our clock "mom come on you don't even need makeup were going to a hotel for like what one whole week and its not like the staff would give a crap about how you look" I shout at her.

I watched as she walked down the steps while pointing a finger at me "watch your mouth young lady your not old enough to curse yet" I groan and flip my bangs out of my face

"Mom that wasn't even a curse word" she turns to me while getting the last bag "in this house a word that doesn't even sound like the real thing but is supposed to represent the real thing it counts as being inappropriate" I roll my eyes and walk to the car with her while closing the door behind me.

"Hey mom what do you think the hotel will look like?" I asked while shoving the luggage into the trunk "hmm oh well I don't know Emma maybe big and fancy or maybe small and crappy".

I gasped and pointed my finger at her "ohhh potty mouth mother do you need a plunger so we can flush all those bad words down your throat?" I screeched.

"No I'm your mother so I can say whatever the heck I want" I once again rolled my eyes and opened the car door and slide in.

I looked over and saw my big bro sliding in the car as well, were kinda close in age he's eighteen I'm sixteen "bro why don't you have your own car I'm mean your eighteen shouldn't normal teenagers have cars?" I asked annoyingly

"I mean eighteen you have a part time job but not a car!?" I almost screamed,he looked at me like really and sighed "well I wonder why oh yeah because you keep asking for money and taking it without me giving you my consent"

I stared at him "ohh yeah and you got a girlfriend wonder how fast she dumps you this time" I smirked at him as he groaned and looked away. I laughed.

I could feel a pull on my shirt and looked down to see my baby sister staring up at me well not exactly a baby but my five year old sister but she's still my baby in my heart.

The drive was pretty long but if you have your phone some headphones and a book or two to read on the journey then it'll feel like a second because god knows your not going to be using your phone on the ride for long

Which I hate because I like doing all that stuff in the car you can't use WiFi but man give me some colorcrayons and paper and I'll draw whatever I think of at the top of my head with my music playing from my headphones that's plugged into my phone obviously.

As we start to slow down I can already feel the time to start packing up my crap I took out to play with,I sighed again and when the car hit a sudden stop.

How can I tell if It was the parking lot of the hotel or just stopping at a red light? Well my friends with a mom like mine you will know if your at your destination or not

I looked up at my mom who was out of the car already getting the bags,I slowly open the car door and slide out

And to my surprise a giant beautiful hotel not run down looking at all
"Dang" I say to myself quietly

I walk away from the door before hearing my mother calling my name "Emma Esperoza get over here now" I don't have a last name and I'm glad

I turn around and walk back to my mother,dad,brother and little sister who are all by the car waiting for some help with the luggage

Which is funny because they all know I'm lazy like crazy and can't do even one chore without being yelled at

And when I do feel like finally doing the chores and then my parents come in and tell me to do it it just becomes less important and I start being lazy again its their fault that its not important to me anymore

Anyway change of topic, so once we got inside the hotel with half the bags we walk to the reception and try to check in

Once we finally get that all sorted out me my mom and sister go to our room while my dad and brother try to get the bags


I sit on the left bed that I'm sharing with my brother that's closes to the window

I watch as my family rushes around the room trying to unpack and other things that I really don't care about

I get up slowly and walk to my bag that I actually packed myself haha I'm not that lazy as they say

I walk to my bag and undo the zipper I slowly open the bag and grab a book I'd like to call none of your business

....I'm just kidding its a horror book its about this ghost girl who died yada yada yada and she tries to protect some other girl but she can't cause you know she can't touch anything.

Obviously its the books whole point but anyway its a good book and you should try to find it in your local library

I snag the book and walk back to me and my brothers bed, I plop down and gasp lightly when the bed

I sigh and almost scream when my mother who whispers into my ear from behind me about some pool or something

I jump and turn around while covering my ears and uncover them as she seems to start talking again

"I'm asking if you wanna go?"

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