"what's your name?" chapter 4

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A/N: should I make another horror story or finish this one? I've been thinking still am tell me in comments and enjoy this chapter
As the maids took me to some lounge that I guess was were only the people who work in the building are allowed to go or something.

There were only us in the room and I knew there would of been more people up, the lobby wouldn't be this empty as it was here.

The maid took a minute before speaking she was very quiet at first when she spoke

"Umm sorry I didn't quiet catch that could you repeat that please" I say while taking a seat on the sofa that dipped when I placed my butt down.

When she finally spoke she spoke in Spanish so I didn't understand a single word that left her mouth

I just stared at her like I was still waiting for her to talk. I guess the other maid seen my reaction and the issue I was having with her friend

When she spoke for her "she said what it was you would like to know" she said swiftly and looked at me.

I did a silent ooh and stared at the English speaking maid, I looked down at her name tag that was attached to her shirt

"Sooo asia do you know anything of this hotel that you know could possibly pop out from a few nights of staying here?" I say as respectful as I could since I really wanted to just say,

"Hey so the fuck is up with this building bruh like I seen some girl in my room and I feel like locking my door at night doesn't fucking work" but no I'm not that rude as I am in front of my family

I know I know well I'm sorry I'm a teenager who cares more of what she's going to eat breakfast,snack,lunch, snack and dinner also snack instead of taking care of her makeup in what ever mirror she can find

Okay that was uncalled for and way off track so anyway

"Asia I really would like some info about this building like was it built on top of some old cemetery or some old haunted building" I ask

She looks to her fellow maid who I barely just discovered was named Alyssa

Alyssa looks back at her and leans to asia ear and I guess whispers something in Spanish

Like bruh I can't fucking understand Spanish so might as well yell at the top of your lungs in Spanish.

Asia looks back at me and softly sighs before leaning forward more and whispers so softly, it was kinda hard to understand what she was saying

"No no no old cemetery or old creepy building were placed here before this hotel"

I slowly nodded and leaned in more so much I felt like my ass was just hanging on the edge

"There was nothing going on years before the hotel was the same but with different people and workers" she says softly

"When Isaac got here things changed" isaac? He must be a person who stayed here a while back I'm guessing

"How did things change?" I ask and got up, walked to her side and sat criss cross apple sauce on the hard floor.

She stared at me before continuing "Isaac was a very nice man he used to come here often but he doesn't show up after that incident..." Her words trailed off and seemed so did her mind.

Now she made me more curious "what happened? What's this incident? Did he kill someone" I asked question over question

The last one got her attention back because she shot me a look that told me some deep meanings

"Oh no no no Isaac wasn't the type of man to commit such a crime" she said while shaking her head

I raised and eyebrow at her "you must really trust the man and know him very well to say that type of thing about this random stranger who stopped visiting years back" I said and looked at her and could tell what she was thinking

"You guys used to date?" I asked and smirked at her giving a few winks and a few signs with my hands

"Oh no he was married" well wasn't that just a waist of talent I thought and rolled my eyes

"Well he was married until he got divorced" oh.

"Would it be bad to ask why he was divorced" I asked.she looked to Alyssa before turning to me

"I don't know if he would like us talking about something so important and personal" she said quietly

I sighed wow how many times do people sigh in a day? "That's fine it isn't my business"  I said to her.

"Anyway its fine but I would like to know what Isaac did that made his visits less frequent" I said seriously

She nodded before continuing again "Isaac did have a daughter that would visit for a full week before returning to her mother" guess they shared custody over her

"She was a very sweet girl she loved this hotel, every time she would come she would always say hi to everyone  even strangers most often the people that work here" she continues on

Sounds like me oh I mean the opposite of me sorry "she sounds like a very sweet young lady" ugh young lady? I sound like my grandma

Asia nodded before speaking again "well it was on a regular day we were doing our job by cleaning a room after a person left" she said and she seemed to be shaking a little

Her friend Alyssa put her hand on to her hand and rubbed it,she looked away before inhaling a big amount of air and exhaling which seemed to hurt because she winced.

"And I saw Erica running down the hall laughing while her father was laughing and following after her"

She smiled a little but it was a very pitiful smile "we chased after her just joining in on the fun and then..."

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