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Gil and Galen were brought into two separate interview rooms.

I stand in the control room with Sam and Hye. On one camera is Gil seated across from Chris and Lisa. Galen for now is left in a room alone. I watch as both twins lean back in their chairs, arms crossed over their chest. Guarded already.

"July 17, 2015 we're interviewing Prophet victim Gil Pierse." Lisa speaks, before smiling across the table at Gil. "How's the shop doing Gil?" She asks, and Gil raises an eyebrow at the question. His eyes slide from Lisa to Chris. I watch as his index finger taps against his arm.

"Losing money for every minute I'm in here. I have three weddings coming up. I need to make sure the flower arrangements are there on time, and look perfect. Is this going to take long?" His voice is as soft as always, but I can hear how guarded he is. There was an underlying hostility to the tone of his voice. Lisa knows how the shop is doing -- she was just in there with me yesterday.

His jaw clenches and his finger begins tapping faster. Gil doesn't want to be here. His body is stiff; he shifts in his chair, sitting up straight as if someone has tied a string to his spine and pulled violently. His eyes flick around the room before coming back to Lisa and Chris.

Where they catching these actions as well? Or was it just me, because I knew Gil so well?

"You're being interviewed by the FBI and you're worried about flower arrangements." I hear the mocking tone in Chris' voice. Gil's laugh isn't his normal laughter. It is the sarcastic sound he makes when he's annoyed at something I've said.

"Did you know that crows can distinguish between two different faces?" Gil says nonchalantly. "Say you accidentally destroy a crow's nest and the mother bird witnesses it. She will remember your face and attack you every time you leave your house. In other words: birds are scarier to me then the FBI. And some low level, wish-he-was-good-but-isn't, Special Agent like you Chris is even lower on my list of things to be scared of."

I watch the small smile cross Gil's lips. He has never liked Chris. I wonder how long he's been holding that insult in his bag of tricks.

Christopher's fingers ball into a fist, but Lisa reaches over placing a hand on his arm.

That's right. Don't do anything you're going to regret Chris.

Gil goes back to his tapping. His fingers clench soon after, maybe just becoming aware that he is doing the motion. I watch further as he uncrosses his arms, rubbing his hands down the from of his jeans.

"We just have a few questions for you." Lisa started to flip through her notes. "That's a lovely ring by the way," she says, playing the nice cop. She and Gil are close enough for this to be taken as just their normal interaction. Any time either of us has an event at our house we invite the others. I know her husband as well as she knows Gil. "Did Hendrix forget to tell us something?"

Gil looks down at the ring on his finger. A simple white gold band with small rubies going around it. He was wearing it on his right hand, as custom states it is the wrong hand for an engagement ring. She gets him to hold out his hand, and she admires the ring for a minute or so. A small smile pulls at his lips, but he shakes his head softly, red hair flying in his face. Lisa has been harassing me about popping the question. Between her and my mother, I was pretty sure, if and when I did, I wasn't telling either of them.

"It was a birthday gift," Gil tells her before he pulls his hands back. Maybe remembering that he isn't suppose to fall for this. "Can we get to the questions already?" He asks, crossing his hands over his chest again.

My eyes flick to the screen with Galen. He is laying his head on the table looking bored out of his mind. Galen would be the harder one to crack out of the twins. That was why they were letting him sweat it out in the other room.

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