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"Listen to me boys, you have to be very careful around this town." The elderly man said, blowing air out of his cigar, coughing after. Calum's eyes widened in fear, confused at why he was sitting alone in the park - at night, and Ashton protectively stood in front of him.

"W-why?" The tan boy stuttered, clutching the plastic bag in fear. He just wanted to go home, but for some reason his legs just wouldn't move. Almost as if he was stuck, glued to the floor. Ashton softly nudged his side, and whispered "Let's go Cal,"

"Em' blood suckers are out there. Could be watching us right at this moment." The man chuckled, blowing out more smoke, and eyed the taller boy, Ashton. "You scared, boy?" He shook his head and stared back at the man.

  "No sir, I'm not. They're is not such thing as vampires." Ashton coughed and Calum walked closer towards the man.

   "V-vampires? But I thought they didn't exist," Calum muttered feeling silly that he almost believed that this man was being serious. "Let's go Ash." He rolled his eyes and the old man glared at him. 'He was probably just a man that lived on the streets who lost a few brain sells,' Calum thought, shaking his head.

"Oh, but I got the scars to prove em'." The man pulled the collar of his jacket down to see two holes in his neck. Calum and Ashton's eyes widened in fear, the anxiety rising within them. They both looked at each other, and Ashton slowly backed away, tugging at Calum's jacket, trying to pull his brother back with him.

"Now, I suggest you boys go home, and remember, don't go outside past eight o' clock. That's when them blood suckers come out," The scrawny boys nodded and began to jog back towards the house. Calum was terrified of what the man had said to him, 'do they really exist?' Then to make things worse, the fog started to roll in and Calum jumped, and walked closer towards Ashton.

His heart stopped when he saw two figures coming towards him. To say he was scared, wasn't enough to describe how he was feeling. And very quietly he heard a light voice whisper,

"I found dinner,"

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