Chapter one

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Chapter one - Calum
"He realized that they didn't seem to fit in at all. Ashton was clearly the tallest teenager in the parking lot, and Calum was the tannest."

"Calum, hurry up! We're gonna be late! This is our first day! Don't you want to make a good first impression on the teachers? Come on!" Ashton shouted downstairs as Calum ran down wearing his left shoe, and holding his right one.

    "Calm down we still have twenty minutes, I haven't even eaten yet!" Calum shouted back shoving his foot into his black vans.

Ashton rolled his eyes and grabbed an apple out of his backpack and tossed it to Calum. "Here. Let's go," The younger boy groaned at his shorter brothers moody tone and reluctantly followed him to the rusty black Jeep. Ashton hopped into the driver seat while Calum sat in the passenger seat. He felt like butterflies had been released into his stomach. 'Are the kids nice at this school?' Calum had been bullied before, and he certainly didn't want that to happen again.

They passed fields of trees and green grass. The weather was rainy making it the perfect weather for Calum to wear Ashton's oversized stripped sweater. He took a bite from the red apple and offered Ashton a bite. The boy nodded and opened his mouth, and Calum put the apple up to Ashton's pink lips, and let him take a bite.

    After around fifteen minutes the large school came into view, and Calum visibly gulped making his adopted brother smile and pat his brothers knee. "Don't worry dude. I'm here, and Nate told me that his cousin Link? Linky? I don't know. Anyways, Nate's friend goes to school here, so maybe we'll find him today!" Ashton put his hand back on the steering wheel and parked near the entrance of the school, they both looked at each other before getting out of the car.

Nate was their neighbors son, whom they met when they first arrived, but apparently he went to England to visit his sick grandmother, so they had to wait before their friend arrived at the school. Calum was a bit nervous about that. He felt like his heart was pounding out of his chest.

     When Calum peeked out of the window, he realized that they didn't seem to fit in at all. Ashton was clearly the tallest teenager in the parking lot, and Calum was the tannest. It was weird, their were groups of teenagers standing by their cars laughing, and some quickly working on the homework that they didn't do the night before. As soon as they stepped away from the car, Calum felt like everyone was watching their every step. He hates attention. He only likes attention when he's with his friends. And now he has none (other than Ashton). As they walked in the school, a large whiff of perfume, Cologne, sweat, and hamburgers hit them like a slap to the face.

    "It smells disgusting in here, dear lord," The taller boy coughed and Calum giggled while grabbing his schedule binder out and pulling Ashton towards where their first period class was, 401. It was a downstairs class, so mostly juniors.  Ashton was excited about their first class and Calum could tell. It was Math, and Ashton loved math. Their mom was a math teacher when Ashton was younger, but retired and became a tutor when he turned twelve, and they adopted Calum. The tan boy however, failed at math. He was only good a writing.

    "Cal, are you even listening to me? Calum!" Ashton shouted making Calum snap out of his thoughts and look at his brother apologetically. "Sorry, I dosed off. What were you saying?" The boys continued walking down the hallway as Ashton quietly spoke.

Calum carefully watched Ashton speak, he loved the way his brothers eyes glistened when he spoke."I was asking if that was Lincoln. Nate said he had brown wavy hair and bright green eyes." Calum observed the long haired brunette boy and agreed with his brother. They both walked over towards 'Link', and the boy closed his locker and stared at the two. Looked at the boys up and down, but stared at Ashton's thighs a little longer, making the tall boy uncomfortable.

   "Um, hi are you...Link? I'm Ashton and that's my brother Calum. Did your cousin Liam tell you about us? Or..."Link groaned and rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "My actual name is Lincoln, we have dumb nicknames for each other, sorry. Anyways, where are you two from?" He asked, smiling at the two boys.

     "We're originally from Australia, but we moved here last month, and didn't come to school so we could get settled in I guess, right Cal?" Calum nodded and Lincoln smiled. "Cool I've always wanted to go to Australia! Now I'm being completely serious now, are the guys hotter there?" Lincoln winked before looking over his shoulder and calling over a boy named Jason.

"Aye Jace! We've got some newbies!" Lincoln laughed and shook his head, "Hey guys! I'm Jason, excuse this idiot." Ashton smiled and Calum raised an eyebrow.

"Why is it so funny that we're new here?" Calum tilted his head to the side and Lincoln blushed. "I guess it's just because we know you're about to experience love at first site." Calum bit his lip and raised a brow, playing with his thumbs as the three other boys spoke.

"Uh, what?" Ashton asked, scratching the back of his neck. The two other boys brushed off his question and continued to talk and go through Ashton and Calum's things.

"Cool! We have all the same classes dude!" Jason high-fived Ashton and smiled at Calum. "Well, why don't we get to class now, yeah?" Lincoln sighed as he wrapped and arm around Calum. "Want me to show you guys around school during lunch?" Calum nodded shyly and walked with Lincoln, as the two other boys quietly followed behind them.

They entered the class and Calum's cheeks immediately turned a shade of red when everyone stared at them. "Hey Mr. Sanders! These are the new students. Ashton and Calum... Irwin, was it?" Ashton nodded and Calum stood closer towards him, and looked away from the class. "Well, welcome to Stockholm High. You guys can sit in the back next to Jason and Lincoln." The two boys nodded and walked down the large class, and shrieked when a girl slapped the back of Ashton's thigh. The group of girls sitting in the front of the class wearing tube tops laughed at him, but who caught his attention was a girl sitting next to them. He could tell she was really tall because she had her legs laid out in front of her.

She had long brown hair and wore glasses, she was obviously thicker than the other girls, but it made her look nicer. She looked sweet. He wanted to get to know her. Ashton is bisexual so he knew that he was somewhat attracted to her. He felt Calum's stare and quickly looked away from her and followed be boys to the back of the class.

"What the hell was that?" Ashton breathed a light blush covering his cheeks, as he rubbed the back of his thigh. Calum stifled a giggle and sat In Between Lincoln and his brother. "When people slap your thighs, it means that they like you or think your hot or something. Which reminds me, you two better watch out for another slap during lunch." Lincoln winked, and the Irwin brothers blushed and looked at each other awkwardly.

"Wait, what's your guys sexuality? I'm getting some rainbow flag vibes but I'm not sure." Jason asked with a chuckle, leaning his chin against the palm of his hand.

"Um I guess you can say I'm bisexual, but Cal's just curious." Ash answered. Jason smirked and Lincoln rolled his eyes with a grin.

"Don't even try to sleep with these two, I actually want to be friends with them you dick." Lincoln laughed and Jason snickered. "Don't worry babe, I'll always love you more than any other person I mess with. We went back door, that means something." Lincoln blushed and hid his face in his hands and Jason laughed and blew a kiss at him.

"Wait, are you guys -"

"Ashton, do you want to be written down for talking on your first day already? You're causing a disruption." Mr. Sanders scolded, and Ashton shook his head and sunk in his seat. Calum apologetically smiled at him, and Jason and Lincoln giggled a bit before looking back at what was on the board in front of them.

Calum was surprised at how nice Lincoln and Jason were. Maybe he's actually going to like it here...

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