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Yongguk: I love you, It's hard to be strong for you.
Zelo; You seem down hyung, are you okay? I'm worried.
Yongguk: I'm okay, I think I just had a bit on my mind.
Zelo: You can talk to me about anything Hyung.
Yongguk: I know, so any update with your crush?
Zelo: Well, he may not like me back since he never really talks much so I can't tell, but someone asked me out today, I of course declined since I'm in love with my crush. :-)
Yongguk: I hope you and your crush work out Zelo-ah, I have to go.
Zelo: Bye.
(This is more on Zelo's pov but not since I always do third person)
'How is my Hyung that oblivious? Everyone talks a lot except Yongguk Hyung' Zelo sighed but then start thinking on more ways to confess, Zelo soon decided on a simple I Like You in a week or two. Zelo loved everything about his Hyung, he liked how he didn't talk much, he really liked his voice, he liked his personality. Sometimes Yongguk didn't notice things that should've been noticed by now.

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