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Yongguk: Is she pretty?
Zelo: ah, so you heard..?
Yongguk: Does she treat you nice?
Zelo: Yongguk..
Yongguk: Is she loyal?
Zelo: Yongguk damn it! Shut up!
Zelo: she's beautiful, she treats me nicely, and yes she is.
Yongguk: Himchan even..told me, it was me wasn't it?
Zelo: Yes, but don't worry, I'm getting over it.
Yongguk: You didn't even stop to think maybe I love you. I'm being selfish aren't I? You didn't even tell me you liked me...
Zelo: I'm sorry.
Zelo sighed shaking trying to ignore the tears. His girlfriend, Min-Seo, walked up looking fake as every. (It's a random name I found.) "Baby what's wrong?" Zelo shook his head no. "I'm sorry, we, we can't be together" Min-seo sighed but got up. "Don't hurt yourself, I hope we can be friends Zelo" with that she walked out. Zelo's phone buzzed but he wanted to ignore it. It buzzed five more times making a total of six.
Himchan: He's in the hospital
Himchan: Alcohol and self harm
Himchan: He, He wanted me to tell you sorry
Himchan: If he doesn't make it he wants you to know, He loves you.
Himchan: He's sorry he wasn't strong for you.
Himchan: He's sorry for not telling you he loved you sooner, he's so sorry Zelo.

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