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Zelo: I will confess in two weeks!!
Yongguk: Why two?
Zelo: He's been sad lately, I feel like I would pressure him since he seems jumbled about.
Yongguk: Why not one week?
Zelo: I'll do it in one week now that I think about it, I have to go, chores, bye Hyung!
Yongguk: Bye
Yongguk: Confess to the guy so I won't have the pain of seeing you two together, I love you.
(I'm gonna kinda switch the "pov" back and fourth it'll be diffrent each chapter and if you keep up then you'd know who's next.)
Yongguk sighed wiping a cheek to realize he was crying, of course he was the love of his life simple loved someone else. Yongguk hasn't been eating much at all, he's more zoned out, never even utters a word. Everyone else has seen the red lines across a wrist or stomach. Everyone except for Zelo, Zelo is preparing what it seems like for a confession, like boosting himself up. Yongguk smiles at how cute the memory was of Zelo puffing out his cheeks then muttering "Maybe I should say this.." Yongguk looked at himself in the mirror again, dark circles, skinner honestly his depression was flowing from him it was too obvious.

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