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It was a Saturday morning and you didn't know what to do. You had the whole day to yourself, the house too. Your parents were off doing what they always do on the weekends.

You sit up in bed and throw your arms at your side, making indents in your fluffy duvet. Sighing, you throw the blanket off and stand up. You stretched, your shirt rising, and head downstairs.

You get everything out to make a nice breakfast for yourself. You get two pans, utensils, eggs, milk, butter, bread, pancake mix, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, juice and a cup.

You set the pans on the burners and put oil in them. You mix the pancake mix and pour it in the first pan as you turn on the burner. You crack two eggs and put milk in it, stirring it and turning the burner on. You pour it all in and check your pancakes, which were almost ready to flip. You put bread in the toaster and get a plate out. You go back to the pancake and flip it. You get the cutting board and put the fruits on it. You go back to the eggs and move them around so they don't burn. You cut the fruits in half and go back to your pancake, taking it out and put the pan on a cool burner. You take the eggs out and put it on the other burner, setting the fruit on top of your pancakes and putting everything in the sink. You get your bread that's already popped up and put on the plate. You settle down with your food and pour a cup of juice.

You think of things you could do today. Nothing came to mind. Maybe you'll call Keaton and you two can hangout. You finish your food and head upstairs to call him.

"Hello," he says in a morning voice. You've always loved his morning voice since you could remember.

"Hey, Keaton! Wanna do anything today or do you have plans?" You never know, he can be a busy boy.

"I was gonna come over anyways. Remember we have a project to work on," you gasp.

You totally forgot you had a project due Monday and Keaton just so happened to be your partner.

"I totally forgot. Poop. Okay, well hurry," you rush out in one breathe.

You bid your 'goodbye's' and head upstairs to take a quite shower, Keaton knowing he wouldn't have to knock to come in the house. You brush your teeth and hop in the shower, letting the warm water cascade down your body, warming you and making goosebumps appear. Once you were down, you dry your body and wrap the towel around your hair. You put your underwear and bra on. You grab your deodorant and put a little on, loving the smell. You put on your black leggings and unwrap your hair. You hear the sound of the door and Keaton yelling ,'I'm here,' up the stairs and the sound of he's feet get closer. You open the door, completely forgetting you had no shirt on.

"Oh, um. Yeah.. I um... I'll be i-in there," his thumb jabs in the direction of your room. You shake your head and grabs your white hoodie and toss it on, walking to your room and throwing your hair up in a messy bun on the way. You see Keaton laying on his stomach and take the opportunity to jump on him. He yelps and you grab his head, hugging it and squeeze it. "You have such a big head!", you laugh, bouncing on his back. He makes an 'uh' noise and you laugh. "Pussy," you tap his forehead.

"Work! We need to start," you get off his back and move to your book-bag and get everything out. "You understand, right?"

"I'm not dumb, Y/N," he shakes his head and seats next to you. You start your project, writing, drawing, coloring, this project had everything needed to be done!

Two breaks, a bag of chips, candy wraps everywhere, and four hours later, you were done! You couldn't believe it, it seemed like a life time. "I'm so tired!"

"I'm hungry," of course he's hungry. He's a boy, what can you expect.

"Lets cook," you rush down the steps and look for something to make.

"Well, I was going to make pizza tonight," you get everything out, roll your sleeves up, and pre-heat the oven. You get the bowl to mix the dough and tell Keaton to give you a pizza pan. You put a towel over the bowl for a few minutes to let the dough rise. You put butter on the pan so the dough wouldn't stick, put the dough on the pan, and put the pan in the oven for five minutes. Once it was ready, you take it out. Keaton told you he would put the sauce on and he opened the bottle of sauce. He squeezes it upwards and it goes everywhere, ending up on your white hoodie. "Keaton! Why'd you do that? Keaton," you trail off, grabbing your hoodie so it wouldn't touch anymore of your hoodie. "I'm sorry. I've just never seen bottled sauce. I wanted to squeeze it," he squirts it on the pizza, spreading it all over. "I'm going to go change," you sigh and head upstairs.

He said he'd finish the rest and you look for some pajamas. You grab your favorite pj's and rush to take them off. You rush the washer and throw the hoodie in. You go back to the kitchen and wait for the pizza. It soon was ready and you both eat and clean up afterwards. Before you know it, it's already six in the evening.

"Lets watch tv," you suggest, heading to the living room. "Or a movie," Keaton says, going to your movie case. He picks your favorite movie, which you guys actually share a liking to. You watch it, loving having someone over to actually hangout with. You guys keep picking out your favorite movies, barely watching them, talking aimlessly about anything and everything. You've always had a crush on Keaton but you could never tell the clueless boy in fear of messing up your precious friendship. It was the only thing you had but little did you know, the boy was in love with you, something he could never explain to the cluelessly girl, in fear of losing his most valued thing in his life.

You guys where close, so close you could almost be labeled as a couple but it was in both of your natures. It just...Comes natural. You both thought nothing of it or questioned it, not wanting it to end.

It soon become three in the morning and you could barely keep your eyes open. You both walk in your room, he stands in the door way as you try fixing your bed. You walk back a little, examining the bed making sure everything was in place, such as your stuffed bear and pillows. It hit you, hard. Not seeing it coming, you yelp. Keaton tackles you to the bed. His body weight on you. "You're such a fatty," you giggle, Keaton still on your back. He moves and drags you with him, pulling you close to him. Your heart thumps in your chest, pulsing in your ears. You saver the touch of his hand lightly circling your tummy. His touch and the things he makes you feel. You saver his closeness and he's whole being, not knowing, soon in life you'll lose him to a girl he will not love fully because he does not truly love her, but loves the clueless girl he spent his whole life hopelessly loving.

He savers holding you, having you pressed up against his body. Making contacted with you, being close to you and being the closest he'll ever be. He savers your presents and your soul, not understanding that you will never be his because you are off with a man you do not love but are in love with the hopeless, clueless man that is off doing as you are, not understanding that you aren't complete, you'll be hurting, no one knowing. You'll be lost and hurt because the hopeless boy was just too fucking clueless for his own good.

You slipped right out of his fingers, before he could even try grasping you.


Was it okay, guys? Anyone have request? Don't be afraid to ask.









They got bold and italics available on the app. It excites me!

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