Waiting in Line

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Hi Everyone,

Just to tell you, this story is actually the sequel to another story that I wrote, and it will be based on what happened in the last story (The Story of A Wayward Cat). So if you're wondering why I mention something without explanation, it's because this is the second book.


Minke was annoyed. It was 3 years since he first came to Lop Lop, yet people still treated him as an outsider. He was waiting outside the supermarket to buy groceries, but people kept pushing in!

"Hey! Watch it cat!"

"Shouldn't you just head home to Earth?"

"You could be a spy for all we know..."

Minke winced as the crowd began to mutter about how he was from Earth and everything. It was alright for Minka, since she had been raised on Lop Lop and her Mood Clouds were visible. Since Minke was from Earth, Minke's Mood Clouds were non-existent.

"We can tell you're not from here. I bet that other cat is only friends with you because she's sorry for you. She can't wait to get rid of you." said a voice.

Minke struggled to contain his anger. The only reason why he hadn't left sooner was because he and Minka had run out of food. The war with the Milky Way had gotten worse, with rationing recently being put in place.

Somebody elbowed him. "Move, earthling. Let the civilised peoples go first."

Minke opened his mouth to reply, when the overseer's voice rang out. "All supplies are out! Get here earlier if you want your fill!"

Minke scowled. He had done that for the past few days. The crowd filed out of the town hall, filled with murmurings of discontent. Minke remembered that he had to take Minka to the Lop Lopian hospital. She was supposed to eat something before, but there was nothing.

Minka was actually well liked by the Lop Lopians and everyone knew her, unlike Minke. Lop Lop itself was a small planet, and the country that Minka lived in only had about 300 Lop Lopians. Minka had been found floating in space when she was a kitten. No one knew who put her into orbit in the first place, and she had been trained in Lop Lopian ways and customs.

Minke was unknown, and had already been quite grown when he first came to the planet. The war between the galaxies didn't help at all.

"Any luck?" asked Minka.

Minke shook his head. "If only we knew what type of disease was troubling you."

"I feel hot all over..." Minka sat back and fell asleep.

Minke sighed and went to ask the doctor to come to the warehouse. Again. It was embarassing, as the doctor would always frown at Minke, as if to say that Minka was not getting enough care in Minke's hands. He had already suggested to care for Minka in his own home. Twice.

Minke thought about the sickness as he went towards the doctor's home. He thought Minka's sickness was similar to what he had gotten when he was very young, but wasn't sure. The cures for that were only avaliable on Earth. How was it possible that Minka had that? Minke sighed. He hoped Minka would get better. Hopefully.

The Story of Two Cats and a Planet called EarthWhere stories live. Discover now