4320 Minutes

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"I can't ... I'm married to someone else ..."

Her words kept spinning around in my head for the past 72 hours but no matter how hard I tried, they just wouldn't make any sense to me

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Her words kept spinning around in my head for the past 72 hours but no matter how hard I tried, they just wouldn't make any sense to me.
4320 Minutes ago the love of my life walked out of the Garage and nobody has heard of her since.
The first few hours I constantly kept hoping that she would just come back and tell me that this was just a stupid joke, but she didn't.
The question who this guy was she is married to kept haunting me just as much as the question how Collins knew about this. I didn't took him serious when he told me there was no way she would say yes because she can't but now it all makes sense. The Happy I knew would have never just told him about this but I slowly really doubted that I actually knew her ...
As much pain as her "no" has brought to me and as much disappointment the fact, that she obviously didn't trust me enough to tell me before that she was married to someone else, has left - deep inside I knew that she loved me with all her heart and that it broke her to not be able to say yes. I would have given anything to get my precious, badass Happy freakin' Quinn back.
I must have tried calling her a million times even though I knew exactly that I would get straight to her voicemail. I needed to heart her voice so I called her one more time: "hey,this is Happy Quinn. right now I have more important things to do than to waste my time talking to you on the phone. Please leave a message if it is a matter of live and death and I will eventually listen to it in a couple of months!". I cancelled the call and put the phone down. Walter and Paige would be back from the Jazz Festival in a few hours and I had turned the garage into a pretty big mess while being drunk. At least two of us seemed to finally have got their love life sorted.
I went into the kitchen to throw away the remaining pieces of a mug that I had smashed, when I realised that Happy wasn't coming back as fast as I had hoped. Just as I closed the bin again I heard the Door opening.
I turned around and there she stood in the doorframe staring at me . Her hair was a mess , her clothes were ripped and in a pretty messy state and here eyes were red
- from crying I presumed.

"Happy ..."
I said with a broken voice ...

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