The last word..

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I walking behind the bar cleaning as I go it's late and all the early regulars are gone. Now it is just the town drunks and sleez balls.
"Ella where's my beer" A man voice snaps from the far end of the bar.
"Norman I think you've had enough of beer" I say evenly.
"You don't get to tell me when I'm cut off. Now get me the damn beer" He snaps his voice slurs.
"Norman I'm going to call you a cab ok it's time for you to leave" I say trying to keep my voice even.
"Ella" He says his voice raised.
I flinch a little bit. I take a deep breath and stand up taller to face the drunk man.
"You have to leave Norman ok those are the rules" I say.
"Who is going to kick me out" He asks picking up a beer bottle.
"I am" I say.
"Oh little girl is going to kick me out" He slurs.
"Yes she is" I say.
Going around the bar and standing in front of Norman, I may only be 5 feet tall but I know a lot of self defense enough to take a man twice my size.
"I'm only going to say this one time. Get out of my bar" I say crossing my arms.
"I'm so scared of the tiny bartender" He says shaking his hands in mock fear.
Oh that tears it!
I grab his wrist and twist it behind his back in a way it's not supposed to bend.
He yelps in pain and tries to pull away with no success.
"I told you that I was only going to ask once. Now I had to make a scene in front of these people" I say flashing a smile.
I push his arm further up his back and he groans in pain. I push him out the door he stumbles and falls on the road.
"Goodbye Norman" I say.
Going back inside and slamming the door behind me, I go back behind the bar.
"Anyone else feel like testing me tonight" I ask looking around.
They all shake their heads.
I nod and lean on the edge of the bar, the night goes quietly after that. I shoo the rest of the costumers out the door. I lock up and walk to my car I can't wait to crawl into my bed. What a busy day today was, I dead bolt the door and flip the porch light off. I get changed run a brush through my hair, and crawl inside the cozy covers on my bed.

The next morning

My alarm clock fills the room with its shrill noise I smack it until the noise stops. My phone starts ringing, who's calling me this early in the morning? I answer my phone.
"Hello" I ask.
"Ella it's Penny, who need to turn the news on. Someone vandalized the bar" She says.
"What. Your kidding" I ask turning the TV on.
Sure enough the top story is my bar got vandalized last night.
"Do they know who did it" I ask.
"No, but the you can still open the bar and work" Penny says.
Thank god.
"Ok good. Thanks for telling me" I say getting dressed.
"No problem Ella" she says.
"Ok I've got to go I'll call you later Penny" I say.
I hang up the phone I can't believe someone would do this to my bar.
Oh when I find out who did this they are going to get the business end of my dad's shotgun. I quickly gather all the things I want to take to work and run out of my house. As I run to my car I see a beautiful 1967 Chevrolet impala now that is a car. For a second I lock eyes with the driver then he's gone down the road. My heart is fluttering in my chest I have to lean on the edge of my car.
"Wow" I sigh.
Some how I manage to get to work I climb out of my car to get a better look at the damage. Oh this is great, 'Ella's bar is a hell hole' wow how original I shake my head and go out back and get the hose and start the daunting task of cleaning the spray paint off the walls and the windows.
*impala engine behind me*
I keep my back turned away from the source of the low rumble of the engine.
I hear it stop one door slam shut then boots on the sidewalk.
"Hi my name is Sam I'm looking for Ella Dawson" He asks.
"Well you found her what can I do for you Sam" I ask turning to the man.
Wow he's really tall.
"It's nice to meet you Ella, I saw what happened on the news" He says.
I take a second to look at him, besides being really tall he has hazel eyes shaggy brown hair. He's good looking to say the least.
"Yeah who knows what possessed someone to do this" I ask looking up him.
"Who knows. I'm actually looking for your father does he still live in town" He asks picking at loose thread on his shirt.
"Sorry he died last year on a hunting trip" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Your dad was friends with our uncle" He says apologetically.
"Is he gone too" I ask.
"Yeah a few years ago" He says sadly.
"I'm sorry too" I say.
He nods.
"Yeah, anything I can do for you Sam?" I ask.
"No actually" He says.
I nod and go back to cleaning up the outside of the bar.
I hear the door shut and the engine revs and speed away.

~Later on~

The door sensor dings, I have a feeling that I know who it is. Norman that is just great.
"Ella now can I have my beer" He asks.
"Norman I think you need to find a new bar to hang out at. I'm tired of kicking your drunk ass out here" I say putting my hands on my hips.
"You can't do that" He says shaking his head.
"My name is on the sign, so I can do what I want. What I want is you ass out of here for good" I say.
"You can go to hell Ella Dawson. Burn in hell" He yells.
Then storms out the way he came in, can this day be any more eventful? That's not really a question I need awnsered. There was something in his eyes that sends shivers down my spine just an over all creepy feeling. I bet he was the one who spray painted my bar it is just the kind of thing he would do. The rest of the day goes by as if nothing happened people came and went as they pleased. It's around 11:30 pm I'm gathering the empty glassware off the tables, when the sensor dings.
"We're closed" I say over my shoulder.
"No your door was open" a gravelly voice says.
Crap I thought I locked up.
"Well we are closed so you can come back tomorrow" I say evenly.
"But I'm here now" He says.
I turn around its the driver from the Chevy impala.
"I saw you today" I say carryingthe glassware back behind the bar.
"I saw you" He says.
His eyes are a shade of striking emerald with sandy brown hair, scruffy stuble on his face. But he already looks a little drunk and probably shouldn't be driving it's not safe.
"What's your name" I ask.
"Winchester. Dean Winchester" He says a smile on his face.
"Ok Dean do you remember your address" I ask looking at him.
He has to be at least 6'2 everyone is so tall.
"No..I don't Aw no Sam is going to be upset if I can't remember the address" He says his eyes tearing up a little.
"Sam? I think I met him today. He your brother"? I ask.
"Sammy - my brother he's a moose" Dean says grinning.
I chuckle at the happy drunk in front of me.
"Ok do you have a phone" I ask looking for my jacket.
"No- well yes but I think I left it in my room" Dean frowns.
"Ok big guy keys please" I say walking over to him.
"Don't hurt baby" He whispers dropping the keys in my hand.
I assume he means his car I would never dream of hurting such a great car.
"I won't hurt baby, let's go big guy" I say.
I grab his arm and gently lead him to his car, he starts stumbling.
"Ok careful there Dean" I sigh putting an arm around his waist as best I can to hold him up.
"Sorry" Dean says.
"No worries we've all been there" I say.
I help him into the passenger seat and go around to the drivers side, it's an awesome car.
"I want to nap" He says.
"Ok" I sigh.
He settles in the seat and puts his head againstthe window.
"Get some sleep Dean" I sigh.
I drive in silence besides the sound of Dean's breathing it's a comforting noise, I can at least save this one man.

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