Worried Moose

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I pull the impala into my driveway and turn off the engine. I look over at Dean who slept most of the ride over here, he can't sleep out here.
"Dean time to wake up big guy" I say.
He simply snores as a response shifting in his sleep.
I put a hand on his shoulder and shaking him a little.
"Hm" He groans.
"Time to wake up" I say.
"Oh" He asks.
"Yeah let's go I'm not going to let you sleep in your car. I have a spare bedroom you can use" I say flashing a smile.
"Ok" He sighs.
I help him out of the car and up the porch steps, without any issues.
I close the door and deadbolt it one handed, and put an arm around his waist and carefully guide him upstairs.
I get him settled in the spare room I walk to my bathroom I look at my reflection in the mirror, I see a flush of color in my face that hasn't been there for a long time. I smile and quietly get ready for bed.

~The next morning~

The sunlight fills my bedroom with a gentle glow I sit up and stretch my arms over my head. I should check on Dean I smile and shuffle to the guest room I push the door open and peek in he's still passed out. He is going to have a monster hangover when he does wake up, poor guy.
I pad down the stairs to the kitchen to make some morning coffee for me and the soon to be very hungover Dean, I pull two mugs down off the shelf. I should make breakfast a guy his height probably eats a lot of food I don't know what he likes damn. I decide to make eggs and bacon like I would when my dad was hungover. Once the food is done I pour the coffee and set the table two of everything which something I haven't had to do for a long time.
I hear heavy feet on the stairs he's awake I wonder if he remembers anything from last night?
"Morning sleeping beauty" I say.
He walks into the kitchen one hand ruffling his hair.
"Morning" He says gruffly.
His voice thick with sleep.
"You want some coffee" I ask holding the mug out to him.
"Sure thanks" He says taking the steamy beverage.
"You remember anything from last night Dean" I ask looking at him.
He furrows a brow.
"Yeah I stumbled into your bar then waking up again in my car here. Then waking up in bed here" Dean says looking at me.
"Yeah you were pretty hammered. I have to say you are a cute drunk" I say flashing a grin.
His eyes spark at this.
"Yeah well not many people have said that. But thanks" He says.
"You mentioned your brother a few times. I think I met him yesterday" I say sipping my coffee.
"Really" He asks lifting his eyebrows.
"Yeah he came to the bar asking for my father. But he died on a hunting trip" I say.
"I'm sorry you're father knew our uncle that's probably what Sam was asking about" Dean says.
"Yeah" I say.
"You make awesome coffee" He says smiling.
"Don't worry Dean I didn't hurt baby" I say chuckling softly.
His eyes go wide his face gets a little bit red.
"I don't know what you are talking about" Dean says looking away.
"You were worried that I was going to hurt baby" I say flashing a smile.
He drags a hand down his face out of sheer embarrassment.
"It's ok I think your love for your car is completely fine" I say.
"You don't see to many people like that" Dean says looking at his coffee.
"No you don't. So I guess you're going to go find Sam" I ask looking at the floor.
"Yeah he is probably wondering where I am" He says quietly.
"Your car keys are on the table by the door" I say.
I'm not sure what to call the feeling that is settling in my stomach, I don't think I want him to leave.
"Thanks for letting me crash here you didn't have to, so thanks" He says standing up.
I smile and watch him walk out of my house I almost felt like safe again that safety is walking out the door. Good one Ella let the man leave without getting his number.
I shake my head and go get ready for work. I decide to drive my dad's car today which is Chevy impala just not a 67 like Dean's I miss my dad.
I park my car the low rumble of the engine is comforting it makes me feel protected.
I quickly get the bar ready to open then flip the sign to open on the door. I can still see the faint outline of the 'this place is a hell hole' on the glass shaking my head I get the day started.
It's 8:30 pm the door swings open violently it's Norman again this can't be good.
"I told you to find a new bar to hang out at. I remember telling you that" I say.
The glint of a gun in his hand stops me cold.
"Ella I need to speak to you outside..Now" He demands.
I glance at my new employee Kara her blue eyes wide. I nod she goes back to work.
"Ok let's go" I snap.
We walk out of the back door.

Dean's POV

I park my car in a parking spot and tell Sam I'll be right back. I go inside and sit down at the bar.
"Hey what can I get you" Another bartender asks.
"Yeah I'm looking for Ella Dawson" I say flashing a smile.
"Um she stepped out for a few minutes she should be back soon" She says her voice trembling slightly.
"Is everything ok" I ask my spidy sense tingling.
She nods once, but her eyes are telling a different story.
Something isn't right I take a deep breath- oh crap sulfur.

Ella's POV

"Norman what the hell do you want" I demand trying to sound strong.
"We wanted your father but he's dead, so you'll do just fine" He snaps.
My blood runs cold, oh god my dad's job this has to be connected to his job.
"Norman let me go please I don't't know what my father's job was" I say.
"Your lying. My boss sends his regards" He says his eyes flash black...all black.
"What are you" I ask.
"I'm your worst nightmare sweetheart" He sneers.
Only then did I realize his pistol has a silencer attached to the barrel. He throws me on the ground he smiles and shoots me in the stomach the gun barely makes a noise. He runs out of the alley leaving me alone and bleeding on the cold ground.
Don't pass out I tell myself over and over, I press my hands on the bullet hole in my stomach I'm losing a lot of blood. Get to the bar, Find Dean! The first person I know who would protect me is the man who slept in the guest room.
I stumble to the back door biting my lip to keep from yelling out in pain.
I throw the door open and use the frame to pull myself inside I stagger to the wall and kick the door shut.
"Kara can you please come out back" I yell.
"Coming" She yells back.
She runs in and instantly goes pale at the sight of all the blood.
"Kara focus go back and find Dean Winchester he's a regular costumer he's a friend" I say fighting black spots in my vision.
She nods and runs back to the main room.

Dean's POV

If I smell sulfur that means more demons in my home town that's just awesome.
Kara the bartender runs in from the kitchen out of breath and pale.
"Is anyone here named Dean" she asks frantic.
"That's me" I say standing up.
"You know Ella" she asks.
Her eyes wide.
"Yeah I do, is she ok" I ask.
She shakes her head pointing to the kitchen.
I jump over the bar forgetting about the other people, I follow her through the kitchen.

Ella POV

I try to focus on staying awake because if I pass out I'll fall and hit my head off something. I hear footsteps on the floor moving closer to me.
"Kara is that you" I ask looking for her.
I look up and Dean is standing there concern all over his face.
"Dean" I ask.
I almost lose my hold on the counter.
He rushes forward and catches me before I fell.
"I got shot" I whisper.
"I can see that. What happened Ella" He asks picking me up.
"Hunting..black eyes..I didn't know" I say.
*I pass out*

Dean's POV

"Kara is that you" Ella's voice calls.
I rush around the corner there she is with a bullet wound.
"Dean" She asks lurching forward.
I catch her before she falls.
"I got shot" She whispers.
"I can see that. What happened Ella" I ask trying to keep the fear out of my voice.
"Hunting..black eyes..I didn't know" She says.
Her tiny body goes limp in my arms, she's lost a lot of blood. I press my hand over the hole to try and stem the blood flow.
"Kara out front is my brother. Tell him that we have an officer down he'll know what it means hurry" I say.
Holding her tighter to my side 'please don't die' I chant in my head. A few minutes later Sam bursts through the back door.
"Oh god that's a lot of blood" He says.
I nod and put even more pressure on the rather large bullet hole..
"We can't do this here, Dean we need to take her back to the bunker" Sam says grabbing my car keys from my pocket.
"Ok" I say.
'Don't you dare die on me it's my turn to take care of you' I don't want to lose anyone else...

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