The Truth Will Set You Free

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I'm sitting in the bunker trying to process what they are explaing. Angels? Demons ? Monsters. What was my dad keeping from me and on top of all that Castiel I think that's his name saved me when I was little.
"This is crazy- no it's insane" I say.
"Look Ella we know how this sounds. But you need to believe us" Sam says.
"Guys this is insane. My dad worked with a man named John W- your father, was he a hunter too" I ask looking at Dean.
He nods.
I stand up and pace mumbling to my self.
"How could you" I ask no one in particular.
"Ella" Cas asks.
Standing up himself.
"You were a lier- my whole life now your dead and some thing is after me How could you! I hate you" I growl throwing my hands up.
"He was trying to keep you safe, and that meant not telling you everything" Dean says his voice soft.
"I don't care" I snap reaching for the door handle.
"Where you going, Elena those demons are still out there" Cas asks.
"My name is Ella. And I'm not sure where I am going" I snap.
I storm out of the bunker kicking gravel up as I go. I have no idea where I'm going I just know I have to solve this.
How could my dad keep this from me, my whole life. Ella think. Ha I got it.
"Hey demons here I am, Elena Dawson you want my dad's info then here I am" I yell into the night air.
"Hello love" a gravelly voice says.
I stand still and channel my inner badass.
"Who are you" I ask looking at him.
"The names Crowley, so you know the plaid nightmares in there" He asks pointing at the bunker.
"Yeah barely" I scoff.
He nods.
"So miss Dawson you have some information about your father for me" He asks.
"Yeah, what do you want to know" I ask feeling a new confidence spark inside me.
"Where is the Grace of the Fallen" He asks.
The what?
"What's in this for me" I ask.
"I won't kill the Winchesters and the angel, trust me I will kill them unless you bring it to me" He whispers.
I almost lose it right there.
"I'll need some time to find out where my dad hid it" I say.
He smiles.
"Good choice I'll be in touch" He says.
With that he's gone.
Now you've done it, but unless I want them to die I have to find this Grace thing whatever it is. I don't want them to die especially Dean. I stalk back inside slamming the bunker door shut behind me, I'm guessing that they don't get along with Crowley so I'm not going to tell them.
"Ella is that you" Sam asks from the library.
I stay silent walking down the metal stair case my eyes forward.
"Ella you ok" Dean asks standing near the bottom of the stair case.
I look at him for a second then keep walking past Dean and into the main room in the bunker.
"Elena Dawson" Cas snaps to get my attention.
I spin around to face the angel I glare at him he shrinks under my stare.
"Yes Castiel" I ask quietly.
"What happened you were outside for a long time, we were getting worried" He explains.
I chuckle darkly shakingmy head.
"Is something funny Ella" He asks squinting at me.
"No, but I have a question for you" I say flashing a grin at the angel.


Standing there with Crowley I didn't notice that he snapped his fingers, because black smoke swirled around me and filled my lungs and pushed me out of control of my own body.
"You know what to do" Crowley says.
I nod, no the demon nods.
"Yes sir" my voice awnsers.
"Good" Crowley says.
Then he's gone.

End flashback. (Demon POV)

"Ok what's your question" Cas asks.
"What do you know about the Grace of the Fallen" I ask looking at him.
"How'd you find out about that" He all but snarls.
Wow for someone he saved once he is being a dick. I hope they aren't all going to be all lovey with this meat suit.
"I remembered my dad mentioned it to me when I was a kid" I say.
"Really" He asks.
I nod.
The plaid nightmares join us in the main room now, fooling the angel was one thing. But the Winchesters that's a whole other deal.
"Hey guys" I say.
"Hey Ella did you hear me when I asked you if you were ok" Dean asks looking at me.
Wow this girl has Dean warped around her little finger I resist the urge to smile at this new discovery.
"Yeah Dean I heard you, I was still trying to process everything you and Sam told me" I say trying to put some emotion in my voice.
"Yeah I guess we put a lot on your plate tonight eh" Dean asks looking slightly embarrassed.
"Yes you guys did. Back to my question Castiel" I ask looking at the angel again.
"Yes.. Um most angels don't even know what it is, but it was rumored a hunter was given it to protect it" He says.
"My father" I say.
"Yes" He nods.
"Anyone want to fill the rest of the class in" Sam asks glancing between us.
"I figured out why the demons are after me and my father's knowledge" I say.
"Really" Sam asks intrigued leaning towards me.
"They are after the Grace of the Fallen, my father was the hunter trusted to guard it" I say trying to mimic the Ella that they know.
"What the hell is that" Dean asks glancing between us.
"I have no clue, that's why I asked him" I say pointing at Cas.
Her dad probably kept a journal or had a library of books somewhere in that house of hers.
"Hey I bet there's something about it in my dad's stuff back at my house" I say.
"Yeah that's a good place to start, hunters often keep journals" Dean says.
"Ok Dean you and Ella go see what you can find, Cas and I will go through the men of letters stuff" Sam says.
I can't help but smile a little bit knowing Crowley sealed me inside this meat suit, she really does love Dean too bad.
Dean and I are in the impala driving to Ella's house.
"You still haven't told me if you're ok" Dean says looking away from the road.
"I'm fine Dean, how are you doing" I ask looking at the eldest Winchester.
He stares at me for a second before awnsering.
"Well we are going to dig through your dead father's old hunting life and you were shot less than two hours ago. Just so you know I've never been that scared of losing someone" Dean says.
Wow if Ella heard that she might have kissed him or something but I'm not Ella.
"What happened to your necklace" He asks his voice taking on a worried tone.
"I don't know what happened, it might have fallen off when Norman shot me" I shrug.
The necklace is long gone because even though Ella knew nothing about the hunting world her dad gave her an anti possession necklace so that had to go.
"Right" Dean says looking at the road again.
Crowley is one step ahead of them every time he knew that Ella and Dean were fated to be together so he got me to jump in. Because he knew that Ella has potential to be a talented hunter working alongside
the Winchesters and he couldn't allow that.
"Do you know where your dad left his stuff" Dean asks as we pull into the driveway.
I sift through her thoughts and feelings and the yelling for Dean to save her. Ok got it the garage.
"Yeah he kept everything in the garage" I say.
He nods.
We get out and start going through her dad's stuff, she is giving me a headache with all this yelling I put my hands over my head.
"Ella you good" Dean asks looking up from the book he's reading.
"Yeah, headache I'm good let's keep looking" I say flashing a smile.
"Ok but let me know if it gets worse" Dean says.
"I will Dean" I sigh.
we search for another 20 minutes and nothing.
"I'll check his room" I suggest.
"Good call" Dean says.
I go to the front door then freeze her dad was a hunter so there may be devils traps I open the door and carefully go inside glancing up at the ceiling then the floor. Getting stuck in a devils trap would definitely blow my cover.
"Ella would you shut up" I snap out loud.
Her response is telling me to go to hell, and that the boys would save her.
"Not this time sweetie" I sigh.
After searching for a while Dean found the right box of books so we get back in his car and go back to the bunker.
It's a wonder the angel hasn't noticed their little Ella is possessed even more of a wonder is Dean hasn't noticed.
"Ella can you go grab my laptop I left it in the dungeon" Sam asks.
Dungeon? That's a new one.
"Sure Sam" I say.
Walking through the halls finally I find the dungeon that Sam was talking about, little problem there is a huge steel devils trap on the floor.
You have got to be kidding me damn Winchesters.
I carefully walk along the edges of the trap and grab Sam's laptop and repeat the process to avoid the trap.
I give Sam his computer he thanks me I walk away.
"How's that headache" Dean asks.
"Fine I'm better now" I say flashing a smile.
"I'm glad you're doing better" Dean says looking at me.
Ella is screaming at Dean to save her the pain lashes in my head I wince.
"Ella" He asks.
"I'm going to lay down for a while just wake me up if you need me" I say.
Mentally cursing Ella for not shutting up most people who are possessed tend to quiet down after the shock. But nor Ella stupid hunters.
"Ok I'll come check on you in an hour or so" Dean says.
I nod and walk to one of the empty rooms in the bunker, the demon Crowley had jump Norman jumped the gun literally. We had a plan but now things are different Castiel knows more then he is letting on. Also I think Ella knows more too but she doesn't know she knows.
But maybe if I undo the patch job the angel did on the bullet wound it may prompt them to dig deeper. I concentrate on recreating the bullet hole in her stomach slowly it starts to appear.
"DEAN" I yell in my Ella voice.
He rushes to the door gun drawn and aiming.
"What. Are you ok" He asks looking for a threat.
"Look" I say pointing at her stomach.
"How the hell did that happen Cas healed you" He asks shocked.
"I don't know. It hurts" I whimper.
"Cas get in here" Dean calls.
A few seconds later Cas and Sam rush in as well.
"What happened" the angel asks.
"Her wound is back" Dean says.
"That's not possible" Cas whispers.
Something flashes in his eyes then he shakes his head.
"How could we be so blind. It's been with us the whole time" Cas says in awe.
"Your not making any sense man" Dean says.
"The Grace of the Fallen is inside Ella no one would even consider it. It's genius" Cas says.
"What" I ask genuinely surprised.
"Are you sure" Sam asks glancing up at Cas.
"Positive" Cas nods.
I can't believe that it's been in her the entire time, her memory must have been repressed. I have to tell Crowley and fast before the catch on that I jumped their sweet Ella.
"I have to go" I say trying to push past Dean.
"What no. Ella your injured" Dean says.
"No! Dean I don't belong here this was my dad's world not mine" I snap.
"Let her go Dean you can't force her into this life" Cas says.
I rush around them.

Ella POV

I try to take control from the demon but she is really strong, I saw a devils trap in the dungeon if I could just get her there.
"There's a secret exit in the dungeon" I say.
And just like that she rushes to the dungeon where I plan to use the bunker against her.

Dean's POV

"Just let her go. Sam wow good plan do you understand the demons are still out there waiting for her. They've already proven that they are willing to torture her for this" I say glaring at my brother.
"Dean you can't force her to jump into our lives. You can't be dad" Sam snaps.
Oh no he didn't.
"I'm not Dad ok Sam. This is different something isn't right with her trust me, Cas what else can you tell us about her" I ask looking at him.
He shifts from one foot to the other, refusing to look me in the eye.
"Cas what do you know" I ask my voice stern.
"She's a hunter" He says quietly.
"What no she's not" Sam says.
"Yes she was I locked away her memories of being a hunter with her father, Eric asked me to get rid of the memories as he was dying. Give her a normal life" Cas admits.
"I knew it" I say.
Suddenly the sounds of yelling snap us out of our conversation.
"What the hell" Sam asks.
We all run to where the sound is coming from. The dungeon? We push the doors open my heart hits the floor Ella is stuck in the middle of the demon trap.

Demon POV

How could she trick me like this. Suddenly the Winchesters and the angel burst into the room.
"Welcome to the party boys" I say flashing a grin at them.
"Get out of her" Dean snarls.
"I don't think so big guy, I like it in here" I smile.
"How long you been in her" Sam asks.
"A while, she's in here somewhere..for now anyway" I say flashing my eyes black.
"What the hell does that mean" Dean asks.
"It means lover boy I'm squeezing your girl until she pops, or bleeds out from the bullet wound which ever one is first" I say glancing down at the growing red splotch on her stomach.
"And another thing, the king himself sealed me inside this sweet piece of ass. So get comfy because I'm not going anywhere" I say laughing.
"Crowley" all three of them say.
I laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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