We need to talk...

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Dean POV
I stand up with Ella in my arms I can feel the blood soaking through my shirt I walk faster to my car. Sam is already there he opens the back door and helps me with Ella's unconscious body.
"You good" He asks.
I nod.
Sam jumps behind the wheel and throws it in reverse and speeds out the parking lot. I can't believe this I just met Ella this isn't fair I can actually see a future with her. But that is being ripped out of my hands more like draining through my fingers.
"Dean just keep the pressure ok we are almost there" Sam says standing on the gas pedal.
"Ok I'm trying. What hell did that idiot shoot her with" I ask.

Ella POV

I can hear the engine of Dean's impala but I'm trapped inside my body. I can't even open my eyes. I know that I'm losing a lot of blood frigging Norman. But I'm glad Dean was at the bar now it's his turn to save me.

10 minutes later..

The car skids to a stop I hear Sam telling Dean what to do and where the first aid stuff is. I can hear Dean telling me not to die.
I open my eyes.
"Ella Hey its Dean stay awake ok" Dean asks looking at me.
"I'm tired Dean" I sigh putting my hand on my face.
"No we're going to fix you up and I'm going to keep you safe" He says.
I can hear the panic in his voice.
"Where am I" I ask looking around.
"My place. Sam hurry the hell up" Dean says.
"It's nice" I sigh.
"Hey Ella stay with me" Dean asks.
The pain burning from the inside out I miss my dad. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sam run to his brothers side.
"Hey Sam" I say trying to smile.
"Hey Ella" He says.
I can see the panic and the worry on his face too.
"You look worried fellas" I say flashing a weak smile.
They both manage to chuckle at that.
"Ella tell us what happened" Sam asks.
"Norman he had a gun..Kept asking about my dad's job..Talking about his boss" I say.
"At the bar you said something about his eyes" Dean asks.
"Yeah his eyes turned black, I think my dad was involved with monsters or maybe drugs" I say laughing dryly.
"More like monsters" Sam says grabbing the first aid stuff.
"Maybe we should call Cas" Dean asks looking at his brother.
"Dean he's MIA right now" Sam whisper yells.
"Well it's worth a shot don't you think Sam" Dean asks.
Sam just shakes his head.
"Ok. Fine but don't get pissed at me when he doesn't show" Sam says sternly.
"Ok" Dean says.
I hear Sam talking..to himself? A few minutes later there's a small rush of air.
"Sam what is that you need, I'm very busy in heaven" a gravelly voice says.
Heaven? What the hell is going on first Norman and his eyes now this, I must have lost a lot of blood.
"This is our friend Ella, someone shot her could you heal her" He asks.
"Of course Sam, I see that she is going to be very special" He says.
"What is going on" I ask looking at Dean.
"It's ok your safe now" Dean says looking at me.
The man who was talking to Sam moves to stand next to me, his eyes are a startling shade of blue. He almost looks like a business man the way he's dressed.
"Hello Elena Dawson it's nice to see you again" He says a little smile on his face.
"Do I know you" I ask.
How does he know my whole name everyone calls me Ella not Elena, only my dad called me Elena.
"We met once a long time ago. When you were very little" He says.
He gently puts his hand on my face. My stomach burns for a few seconds then all the pain is gone.
"How did you do that" I ask quietly.
"There's a lot we have to explain" Sam says.


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