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its been a month since that soju incident that occurred to seungcheol. y'all might think he probs thought about her all day and all night, wondering when she'll appear again.


in fact, that girl took up all seungcheol's mind.

who is she?

is she possibly yebin?

could she be THE yebin?

will i see her again?

what's my lunch gonna be?

right now, seungcheol is working in his office after he graduated from uni.

he was supposed to inherit his dad's company but he decided to reject the offer and insisted to work his butt off by starting at the very bottom of the ladder. he didn't want people to think of him as a lazy, unfair chaebol.

nevertheless, he worked endlessly wanting to reach the top. his current title; TEAM LEADER.

yes it's leader-nim cheol. the very hardworking, handsome, so-damn-hot leader seungcheol.

"mingyu i need you to finish the final touches of our new product" leader-nim cheol commanded the tall boy.

"seungkwan please stop sassing soonyoung and seokmin and get back to your own work. your work was due yesterday wyd hurry up and finish it"

"wonwoo stop sleeping and get back to work, our deadline is tomorrow"

"hansol please stop saying 'headlines headlines' this is not some rap competition nor a place to rap. please continue on typing the files urgently needed for tomorrow"

"hyung, dont be stressed out we'll get it done before tomorrow. here's your favourite drink" chan handed him sikhye. seungcheol gulped it all down.

"thanks chan but there's just so many work needed to be finished" seungcheol sighed. chan patted his back.

"ah yeah, did you hear about a new employee coming to our department?"

"new employee?"

"yeah apparently it's a girl AND she's really really really really REALLY pretty" chan grinned.


"yep" chan nodded.

"when is she coming?"

"uhhh should be in a few minutes i think"

"oh crap i gotta make the office neater" seungcheol rushed back to the office and chan snickered.

"everyone please tidy-up your area right now. there's a new female employee coming in a few minutes" seungcheol announced.

most of them responsed with an 'ooOOoOH' or a 'hm okay'

everyone quickly cleaned their areas and went back to each of their work.

"hi! sorry im a bit late" a female figure knocked on the door.

seungcheol rushed to greet the new employee but stopped after seeing her face. his heart nearly dropped. the girl reached out her hands with a smile.

"im park yebin, the new employee of the choi company"

• • • • •

a/n: happy new year my lovely readers!! 2016 has been a great year and i just wanna say thankyou so so so SO much for all the support i cannot thankyou all enough♡

lets hope that this year is gonna be another lit year for all of us :)


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