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CHAPTER ONE – play up


QUINN AND BARRY HUGGED, a smile creeping on Iris' face

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QUINN AND BARRY HUGGED, a smile creeping on Iris' face. Of course it was a friendly hug that only lasted a few seconds, but Iris was so desperately searching for someone who would make Barry happy.

"You've changed," Barry smiled, pulling back. He looked Quinn up and down. "a lot."

"Says you." Quinn laughed, following his actions. Quinn used to be taller than Barry before, but now Barry was much taller. He was 6' 2", she was 5' 5".

"Quinn's gonna be staying with us for a while." Iris smugly grinned from the background.

"Not for a while." Quinn chuckled nervously. "Until I arrange a hotel."

"Until you find a decent apartment and a job." Iris rephrased. "Both which take a while."

"Where's your dad?" Barry asked.

Shit. Quinn thought. I don't know. She wanted to answer. "In Starling."

A phone started ringing, and Iris quickly pulled her phone out. She looked up at them with a shy smile.

"Eddie?" Barry asked, in which Iris nodded.

"I'm sorry, but I have to take this." Iris slowly backed out the room. "You two catch up. Hello?"

"How was Starling?" Barry asked, walking towards the couch.

I don't remember. "Amazing." Quinn nodded, following him to the couch.

"Anything interesting happen?"

Definitely. "Not so much."

"I've been hearing about some vigilante. Green Arrow?" Barry asked, though he knew very good.

Suddenly, Quinn's vision went black, a blurry one coming instead.

Quinn entered the code to enter the Arrow Cave, opening the door, and making sure no one was following her. She walked down the steps, her boots click echoing through the lab. Everyone's eyes turned to her, and Quinn felt a smile creep on her face. She finally reached the bottom, her eyes focusing on the man with the green hood and a bow.

Quinn's vision came back, and she found herself hyperventilating. Her eyes were wide, and Barry was staring at her with worry laced in her eyes. His right hand was on her shoulder keeping her steady as she brought her breathing back to normal.

"Woah, are you okay?" Barry asked, with concern.

Quinn stared at him, wondering what to say. Was she okay? "I think so, yeah."

Iris came back with a smile, but when she saw how close the two were she stopped. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No!" Barry snapped, throwing himself away from Quinn. "Everything is fine."

"Perfect." Quinn added, faking a smile, still taking deep breaths.

"Okay." Iris trailed off, sitting between the two. "Let's play a game."


THEY WERE PLAYING MONOPOLY, Iris winning so far. Barry groaned as he grabbed his fake money from beside him, and separated 150 monopoly dollars. He handed the money over to her extended hand.

"Who has the dice?" Quinn asked, looking between the two. "Barry?"

Barry handed over the two white cubes with black dots on them to Quinn, and joined Iris to watch as she shook the dice between her hands.

"3..." Barry started.

Ever since Quinn's moment, Barry had been looking at her warily. Was she another meta-human? Someone to be feared?

"2.." Iris continued.

Iris tried to keep her mind on her friends returning, but her mind wandered to her boyfriend. How long would they last? Would he break her heart?

"1." Quinn finished. She threw the dice and as they rolled around she had her own thoughts. Her own questions.

What had happened to her during the last nearly 8 years? Where was her dad, and how was he? What was that vision she had?

The first dice stopped. It landed on 5.

Why had she woken up in front of a grave? Her grave?

The last one stopped too, 6.

Quinn brought her shaky hands to her skate, and she quietly counted to 11, moving the little metal figure with every count. It landed on Chance, and Barry handed her a card.

"Thank you." She smiled, slowly turning over the card. "You have no money– oh no." Quinn laughed throwing a hand over her face. Iris and Barry exchanged a glance before smiling greedily, nodding for her to continue. "You have no money, they have nothing to take, you are finally free."

Barry and Iris high-fived, laughing at Quinn who was banging her head against the table.

The door opened from behind Quinn, all 3 heads snapping towards it. Joe walked in and hung his coat on the hanger, not realizing Quinn, just yet. He turned his head, and smiled at Iris, but his eye caught of Quinn, his smile growing as Quinn got up and walked over to him, opening her arms. "Mr. West." Quinn smiled.

"Quinn." Joe laughed, as they hugged, Joe rubbing Quinn's back. "You never got the hang of Joe, did you?" Quinn pulled back and smiled, taking a step back beside Iris. "What are you doing here? Where's your dad? How's Starling?"

"I don't think she needs your interrogation now, dad." Iris smiled, putting a hand on Quinn's shoulder. "Well, we have a big day tomorrow, and Quinn must be so tired. We should head off to bed. Good night."

"Good night, Joe. Barry." Quinn nodded at both of them, following after Iris.

"It's only 7." Joe whispered to Barry watching after the two. Barry shrugged, walking over to the board game, and started picking it up.

As he picked up Quinn's skate, a little bam! went out, as the pawn exploded. A girly scream came out of Barry, and he heard giggling, as footsteps lead to Iris' room, and a door slammed, but the laughs didn't stop.

Barry Allen had fallen to the trap of Emberly Quinn Jenson, once again.


word count: 950
edited: no

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