Part One - Chapter Three

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Eldon opened his eyes, drinking in the sunlight shining through the window. He looked over to where Maggie was sleeping. Wait, where is she? He thought. Oh, right. She's at home sleeping in her own bed instead of here in the castle.

He sat up and swung his feet out of the covers, over his bed. He sighed, standing up. It would be a while before Eldon would next see Maggie.

Walking over to the dresser, Eldon picked up his schedule. His training started at six o'clock. Putting the paper down, he dragged his feet over to the window. Looking up into one of the towers, he saw a clock. Since the sun had just pushed off of the horizon, it was five o'clock.

Eldon had and hour until school started, so he got dressed, ran his fingers through his hair, and left his room to go for a run. Maybe just a quick jog since he wanted to start looking over some books he had gotten last night at the Castle's library.

Eldon walked out into the courtyard where the stables were. Although it wasn't as busy as yesterday afternoon, it was already fairly busy. He saw Liam working on some of the horses, including Moon. They all looked like they were in very good care. Eldon jogged out, under the gate, and into the city. He wanted to learn his around so he wouldn't get lost. He decided to try to find the fountain that had caught his eyes yesterday.

Eldon passed shops, restaurants, taverns, markets, banks, stables, schools, churches, and other fountains, although none of them as elegant as the one he was looking for. Finally, he found it. Even though it was early, the little square was already starting to get busy. Merchants were setting up their stores, small children running around, groups of girls talking and braiding each other's hair, boys pushing each other into the water, adults standing around the edges, keeping an eye on their children, people getting an early start on their day's shopping. Eldon figured that all the people in this square would make up the nearest town to his farm.

He stood off to the side just observing all of this when he noticed the tower with the clock on it. It read 5:45. 5:45! Eldon only had fifteen minutes before his first lesson! He couldn't be late on the first day! He bolted out of the square and back up the hill to the castle. When he arrived back in the courtyard, students were shuffling out of the dorm hallway and to the other side of the stables where a grassy area awaited them. All of them were in a uniform. Uniform? When did they get uniforms?

Spotting Alex leaning against a wall, Eldon jogged over to him. Alex looked uncomfortable in the uniform. Every few minutes he would adjust it as if the shirt laying on his body was the worst thing in the world. The thing was almost a size too big for him. He also looked miserable. Eldon would have laughed at the face Alex was making if it weren't for the fact that Eldon was the only one not wearing it.


He looked up, "Hey. What's up?"

"Where did you get the uniform?"

The uniforms consisted of a white linen shirt, that came down way too far on Alex, and gray pants, that were dragging on the ground for Alex.

"They were dropped off in our rooms about a half hour ago." Alex glanced at the clock. "You seem like the kind of person who wouldn't want to be late on the first day."

Eldon looked at the clock. Five minutes until class starts. Eldon groaned. It would take him longer than that to get to his room, change clothes, and get to the lawns. Better get started now.

"Thanks, Alex!" Eldon was racing to the hallway.

Alex blew hair out of his face. "Whatever."

As soon as Eldon was in his room, he was switching clothes. The uniform was on his bed. The outfit was a little tight, but not enough that he couldn't fight in it. Eldon laced on boots comfortable enough that he could fight in them. They were kind of falling apart since they used to be Eldon's Father's before he died. Then, Eldon was dashing out the room.

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