Ch. 5 - Make Up Your Mind.

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A/N: Chapter Dedicated to: @StyLinRanLikYne & @zarrygaylove because reading their comments made me smile 💚💚💚 



My head was spinning. Why do I have to be such a hoe? I literally could have anybody, but I choose to go after someone like 10 years older than me and potentially ruin both of our lives. It's been one day.

One fricken day.

It's horrible and wrong and I'm terribly aware of this.

But the thing that makes him so captivating, isn't his perfect hair, or his cold but strangely comforting forest green eyes--no.

It's the danger.

The fact that any sexual contact whatsoever could ruin my future and his.

The fact that I'll see him everyday for the next nine months knowing in my mind that unlike the students sitting next to me, the man standing in front of us all, has taken an interest in me, that he hasn't taken in them.

Not only does the thought of him arouse me at a magnitude I didn't think possible, he scares me just as much.

He's older than me, most definitely more experienced, he's more rough than I'm used to, and there's just a feeling I get from him that makes me think that there's more than what meets the eye with him.

I could have Justin, and it's embarrassingly evident the way guys look at me.

Why can't I date one of them? Why can't I just be safe and date someone my own age? Why can't I just be normal and not have a crush on my unfairly hot teacher?

He's hot and he's sexy and he's dangerous and it's arousing.

But I have big, huuuuge plans for my future. I do not want to jeopardize my possible career in the arts just because I wanted a relationship with my teacher that would probably not work at all.

He's hot. But I want a future.

But he's hotttttt. But I could get expelled and him fired...

Ughhhh Zayn, make up your mind.

I ran my hands down my face as I stared at the Boy's Bathroom Mirror.

I moved my face closer to the mirror.

My face was clean shaven, as I'm not too keen on body hair. My pupils that were so dilated that it looked like my eyes were two black circles with a golden ring around it, had returned to its normal size, my eyes' hazel color now visible again after spending a few minutes in a stall trying to collect myself.

He could get arrested, you could get expelled and get this put on your permanent record. If you let this go on, you'll never go to college, you'll never have your 2-story penthouse with an art studio and a catalog kitchen and all your dreams will be nothing but what they are now--dreams. You'll never accomplish what you promised yourself and your moth--

I backed away from my reflection and the sink.

I need to cut all romantic ties with Mr. Styles. Now.

I promised that I would do anything to have a future as far away from my past as possible. Anything.

I keep my promises...

I know how it feels to be lied to.


"Pass the blunt, Liam, what the fuck." Niall yelled.

I just bursted out laughing. I needed this. Just to unwind with my friends and to for once keep my mind off of all boys but Niall and Liam.

"No! Suck my dick," he yelled back, making me laugh even harder. This always happened, they always got into meaningless fights and they forgave each other minutes later.


By this point I was just rolling on the floor with my thighs pressed together trying not to pee. Liam was now running away from Niall who was chasing after him as Liam tripped over things that weren't even in his way. The 1975's Settle Down was blasting in the background and I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.

The funniest thing about the whole situation is that the blunt was literally resting on the coffee table in front of me. Liam had forgotten to pick it back up in his haste to run away from Niall, but the Irish boy hadn't even realized.

The smell of the marijuana was drifting throughout the whole house in thick clouds and I was no longer stressed about my future for the time being. I was with Niall and Liam. The Niall I met in Kindergarten that I helped when he fell in the sand, only to push him back down in it again. The Liam that I stole Sophia from in 3rd grade because I had more crayons than Liam did.

I was in my happy place with my two favorite people, and Niall was now straddling Liam and yelling at him.



I was laughing hard but decided to step in.

"Guys! It's right here," I said as I pointed to where the the smoke was drifting up from the table.

Niall slowly picked his head up from staring down at Liam and turned to me.

He looked at the table and saw the blunt and his crystal clear blue eyes widened.

" the fuck did you do that?" Liam suddenly spoke up from under Niall, causing me to laugh wholeheartedly at his bewildered expression.

They both just started to share apologies ignoring the blaring music and my howling laughter.

My eyes trailed down to where some of the plant had landed near my feet.

Even though my mind was incredibly hazy, I somehow came to the conclusion that the color of the marijuana was a dull version of Mr. Styles' eyes.

Don't think about him.

I looked away to the table.

The worn out wood was brown and again, I couldn't help but notice that it was almost the same color of Mr. Styles' bouncing curls, but it was too dull as well.

Are you even listening to me?

I groaned.

This is gonna be harder than I thought.

A/N: I'm tired guys. Hope you liked it 💚

- Chels 🌊

(Word Count: 1185)

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