Complaint #130

366 10 5

When Eminem ends up eating M&M's at some point in the story.

LOL this is kinda funny TBH I mean here 7-eleven girl and Marshall have a conversation about maybe what his next album should be and in the middle of the convo Marshall whip out some M&M's and it's just so cute Eminem eating M&M's..

Wait is that cannibalism?


Any way..while we're on the topic of Eminem eating habits.

Remember how I said  Eminem usually can't cook in these stories and they just eat at Taco Bell or Burger king.

How about you writers give him a more healthier diet.

Like some Spinach or Salad or Broccoli.

Cause like seriously if all he consumes in y'all fanfics is burger king, Taco bell, And M&M's with red bull and Mt. Dew. This man won't live to see the next rapper named Skittles come along.

So chill with all the junk food people. ;)


Hey guys so this is rant is late...but guess what? I was busy waitressing at a party for my culinary class for about 100 people! It was so much fun and I didn't drop anyones food!! tiny incident occured..well this lady asked to go to the bathroom right? Well..I usually don't use to bathrooms there and I got the ladies room and mens room mixed up and accidentally escorted her to the mens room!! Oopsie...she wasn't upset though..but I was still slightly embarassed. xD

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