Chapter Fourteen: You're A Prodigy

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We stayed up for the rest of the night watching movies and eating Katherine's food. Mikey and I cuddled on the couch while Lane and Katherine sat on the floor. I watched them as they interacted with one another. I noticed the subtle things that Katherine did, like when she rested her hand on Lane's arm for a while. I noticed that he would brush his arm against hers and then blush as he watched the movie. Maybe it was the fact that I wanted something to happen between them that these things were starting to stand out and make sense. I just kept noticing these things and I knew that they were going to be okay. Mikey wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into him and barely focused on the movie. I knew that Lane didn't like me, but I wasn't worried about that per se. I was worried about Katherine and the fact that she believed that Lane actually liked me. I shook my head and saw that Mikey was starting to fall asleep on me. I twisted my head around and saw the daylight peaking through the cracks in the closed curtains. I nudged Mikey slightly and he shot up from his position with wide eyes. I untangled myself from and scooted over so he would have more room to spread across the couch and lay his head on my lap. He did as I wanted and quickly laid his head down on my lap. I ran my hands through his hair until his eyes drooped down and he fell asleep. I watched as his lips parted adorably and his eyes moved behind his closed eyelids. I brought my eyes up just in time to see Lane closing his eyes and laying his head down on his knees. Katherine was still focused on the movie when an evil plan flitted across my mind and I knew that I needed to react fast, "Hey Lane, you should get some sleep. It's been a long night for all of us."

Lane's head shot up with awareness and Katherine looked over at him in curiosity before looking over at me, "Yeah, sleep sounds good, huh?" Katherine yawned and Lane followed shortly afterwards. I nodded and slid Mikey's head softly off of my lap and inserted a couch pillow. I kissed his forehead lightly and then his lips before I crossed the room to sit in front of them.

"Hey, Kat, Lane could sleep in your room, right? I don't think he's in any position to drive or go home on his own yet. I'm probably going to take Mikey once he wakes, but until then can Lane sleep in your room?" Katherine started blushing and it took all of my willpower not to wink at her.

"S-Sure, that's okay with me. Uh, Frank, do you want to show him to my room? I'll, uh, sleep on the floor out here." Katherine's eyes were wide and she was a bright red. Lane's eyes were drooping as we spoke and I shook him a little to keep him awake.

"I don't think that Lane wants or needs to sleep alone right now. I need to stay out here with Mikey in case he wakes up." I paused calculatingly. "Sometimes he gets nightmares and I have to wake him up before he starts screaming. Could you help me out and stay in the room with Lane? Plus, I need to call Pete and Lane looks too tired to wait through that." I used my best trick-my puppy dog eyes- and Katherine finally sighed and agreed.

I watched excitedly as Katherine grabbed Lane's hand in hers and led him into her bedroom. Lane followed closely behind her and he seemed much more awake now. I watched as the door closed and I chuckled a little to myself before pulling out my phone. I had Pete's number on speed dial and he answered on the first ring, "Hey Frankie, how's Jersey?"

"Actually, that's why I'm calling. I'm not in Jersey anymore. Something, uh, came up and I had to go. I'm at Katherine's right now. I stayed the night." I talked quietly until I escaped into the kitchen and started up Katherine's coffeemaker. I needed to stay awake.

"What? Why didn't you call me? I would've helped you out and gotten you from the airport. What happened with Mikey? Do I need to make an emergency stop and get some ice-cream or something? Fill me in." Pete sounded worried and I smiled through the phone at my friend. He was sometimes too good too be true.

"It's nothing like that." I pressed the phone between my shoulder and my face. I needed my two hands to actually pour the coffee into my borrowed coffee mug, "Mikey actually surprised me at the airport like the crazy romantic he is. We boarded together and he's here at Katherine's with me."

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