Chapter Seventeen: This Is Quite A Surprise

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I groaned when I heard the annoying buzzing coming from a phone. I rolled over on the bed and caused Mikey to groan and open his eyes as well. He covered his face with his hands as I reached over Mikey and grabbed the phone. I looked at it before groaning, “It’s your phone, Mikey. For once, it’s not mine.”

“You can answer it for me. I honestly don’t care.” I shrugged and kept my arm over him as I answered the phone. Mikey kept running his hands through my hair and I noticed the time to be seven in the morning. Whoever it was was going to pay for this early phone call later on.

“Hello?” My voice sounded thick.

“Frank, is that you? Where’s Mikey?” I looked at Mikey and mouthed Gerard in his direction. Mikey just groaned loudly again before getting off of the bed and heading towards the bathroom.

“He’s in the bathroom. What’s up, Gerard?”

“Well, we’ve just landed in California and I need your address. I’ve already rented a car and we’re getting our stuff from baggage claim right now. I can’t wait to see you and give you your surprise! I really think you’re going to like it.”

I smiled and my excitement level rose unbelievably high. I told Gerard my address and he promised to be there within the next hour or two. We said goodbye and I set Mikey’s phone back on the nightstand. I heard the shower running and I debated whether to get in with Mikey or not. The thought sent butterflies fluttering through my stomach and I realized that I wanted nothing more then to get in with him, but I wasn’t sure if he wanted the alone time or not. I sighed and pulled the covers off from around me and walked tiredly towards the kitchen. I remembered the restaurant from last night and my insides turned mush. There was no possible way that anyone was better than Mikey. I bit my lip when I remembered our shower together before we went and I blushed. I turned on the coffeemaker and waited patiently for it to slowly brew. I heard the shower turn off and my stomach rumbled. Mikey and I didn’t have time to go out and eat this morning, so I poured out two mugs and set them on the table. I crossed the small distance towards the bathroom and knocked softly on the door, “Hey Mikey, what do you want for breakfast. I’ve got just about anything.”

I could hear him moving around in the bathroom and getting dressed, “How long do we have until Gerard gets here?”

“We have about thirty minutes to an hour. It’s not enough time to go out and eat. Plus, I want to make you something. You can count it as a giant thank you for last night.” I leaned against the wall by the bathroom door and Mikey laughed before pulling open the door and sitting down on the floor next to me.

He leaned in really close to my ear, “I’m surprised you didn’t join me, Mr. Iero.” I shivered and he ran his hand up the length of my back, “Do you remember when you were staying at my apartment and we would eat cereal all of the time?”

I leaned in and pressed my lips to his cheek, “Of course I remember. Those were the best days of my young life.” Mikey turned his head so now our lips were touching. He kept our faces just inches away and faintly pressed his lips onto mine in a teasing manner. I brought both of my hands up and tangled them gently in his hair. He wrapped his arms around me and dipped me back gently. He placed his lips on mine, but it was soft. We just held ourselves in that position until my stomach growled embarrassingly loud, “Why do I always ruin the moment?”

“I have no idea.” Mikey laughed and then ruffled my hair, “Come on, and let’s get cereal for old time’s sake.” Mikey pulled me up from the ground and we walked together through the apartment. I opened the cabinets and pulled out several boxes of cereal. Mikey smiled when he saw the two options that we had chosen so many years ago; Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes. Mikey wrapped his arms loosely around my waist and pointed at the two boxes of cereal, “I think I’ll take Frosted Flakes.”

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