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When i woke up at first eveything wad blurry. But than it got to the regular eye sight. Than i looked over, Chersanto was lying right there with his shirt off all my clouthes was on.

Me: Chersanto!

Chersanto: Hmm??

Me: You have to leave.

Chersanto: Why?

Me: Because leave now!

He got up and put on his shirt. Than he searced for his sneakers he found them and left. I took a shower to get this party smell off of me. When i went into Keyshawn room he was lying on his bed. Maybe i picked him up. I dont remeber anything from last night but when we kissed and all that cinderella shit. Keyshawn woke up.

Keyshawn: Mommy....

Me: Yes baby?

Keyshawn: Im hungry.

Me: I'll make you some cereal.

Keyshawn: Ok...

he went back in his room than the doorbell rong who could that be? I opend the door it was Trey.

Me: What?

Trey: We gotta talk.

Me: Bout what?? you already left that sorry ass note on my door that i threw away with my ring.

Trey: (scoffs) ohh well the reason why i left is because you brought his real dad into the house. And i thought you was chea-

Me: And i wasnt! I still love you and befor ei loved you. You just didnt love me cause youve been acting like an ass the last few days.

Trey: So were got a divorce today and you have to sign the paper and give me the ring.

Me: Find the ring and i'll sign this! (signed the paper) have a good day and move! (slammed the door)

I went back into the kitchen to make me some cereal. Than the housephone rang.

Me: Hello?

Chersanto: Hey.

Me: Hello Chersanto what do yu want?

Chersanto: I wanna have Father and Son day with Keyshawn.

Me: Well not yet untill he gets to know you know you.

Chersanto: Well can i come today after work?

Me : Yeah whatever.

Chersanto: Ight.

Me: Bye.

Keyshawn: When is daddy coming back

Me: After work just go upstairs.

*8 Hours Later*

Knock on the door. I walk to the Door and open it. It was Chersanto. Keyshawn ran to the door and Cersanto had Toy Bags in his hand. I guess he got Keyshawn some more toys.

Me: When you make promises you dont break them?

Chersanto: Not for my son of wifey(tries to kiss me)

Me: Got it mixed up now.

Keyshawn: Daddy, what in the bag?

Chersanto puts the bag down and Iron Man, Spider Man, Batman, and captin America colletion came out the bag. Keyshawn was so happy he jumped up and down.

Keyshawn: Thank You Daddy!

Chersanto: guess what?

Keyshawn: What?

Chersanto: Daddy staying the night.

Me: You aint ask me.

Keyshawn: Please mommy?

Me: Fine, whatever go put on pajamas.

He ran upstairs and Chersanto helped me cook dinner. Than we ate.

9:47 PM

Keyshawn: Mommy.

Me: Yes?

Keyshawn: Do i have school tommrow?

Me: No... Todays Saturday.

Keyshawn: Do you have work?

Me: No.

Keyshawn: Daddy do you?

Chersanto: No only the days you go to school.

Keyshawn: Yay! (yawns) Im tired. Can i sleep with my toys?

Me: Yeah i'll put on Iron man for you.

Keyshawn: Ok.

He gets up from the table and takes his toys upstairs. Than he gets into his bed while i wait for the movie to play. When it played, i kissed him goodnight and left his door open. Than i walk downstairs to clean up.

Me: Thats the fastest he ever went to sleep.

Chersanto: Yeah...

Me: So what movie you want to watch?

Chersanto: A scary movie.

Me: What Kind?? Exorsim?? Possesion?? Ghost?? Paranormal?? Funny??

Chersanto: Funny.

Me: I have Scary Movie 1, 2, 3 and i have A Haunted House.

Chersanto: A Haunted House.

Me: I love that movie.

A/N: No foreal i love that movie....

Chersanto: Me to....

Me: so where you work?

Chersanto: I work at the football stadium....Im a football player.

Me: Yeah ok.

Chersanto: I aint lying. You never saw my house??? Or my football suit? heres a picture. (shows me a picture of his football suit)

Me: Oh wow.... I never noticed.

Chersanto: Can we pop popcorn.

Me: Oh yeah i forot.

Chersanto: Come on.

We walked into the kitchen and got out the popcorn. I felt like i had a flashback the first time we met. I'll get to that later. We waited like 10 minutes cause we was talking. Than we got out the popcorn seasoned it, and put it in a bowl. The movie came on and we sat on the couch. I got cold and cuddled in a blanket. Chersanto sat next to me so yeah i leaned on his shoulder yeah yeah yeah so what. Than we laughed together at this one part. He looked at my light brown eyes than i looked into his and we tounged kiss.

Me: I-Im Sorry.

Chersanto: Yeah.

Than he kissed me again and we made out on the couch.

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