Chapter four

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Friday. Finally. This whole week has been a jumble of School work, crowded hallways, and very loud conversations With Alex. She has a very large tendency to raise her voice when shes excited, or upset, or come to think of it all the time.

Speaking of Alex i believe I have to hang out with her tonight.

I ran outside to grab Finn from his little group of boys playing soccer outside, and marched toward the car.

"So you and your new BFF are hanging out tonight?" he asked with a smug grin on his face.

I grunted in approval, too exhausted to really answer correctly. "Well she better hurry up or I'm leaving her butt here."

I pondered what he just said in my mind, when suddenly I saw a petite figure walking to the car, with her monstrous hand bag in tote. I waved her down and slid into the car.

The ride home was fairly quiet, except for the occasional outburst from Alex. When we arrived back at Finns house we all hopped out of the car and said our goodbyes. I turned around, ready to walk away when I felt Finn grab my arm. I spun around to feel myself being pulled into his arms.

"uh.. You okay Finn?" I whispered.

He laughed "I only wanted to say that if she is too much for you I can always make an excuse for her to have to go." I snorted and said thanks, them walked over to Alex, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the car.

Two hours later we are sitting on the couch talking, or rather Alex was talking and I was listening.

"so are you going on the trip to paris this year?" Alex asked. Every year the seniors go on some huge trip to Paris and spend a week touring the city. My mom assured me that I would get to go and signed the paperwork before school even started.

"Yep, I already turned in the paperwork actually." I said.

Alex squealed and grabbed my hands "Oh my gosh yay we can be room mates!" I faked a smile and nodded, secretly hoping I got a room to myself.

Suddenly Alex broke out into a sly grin. "Is your little boyfriend Finn going?" she said before bursting into a fit of giggles. Could of seen that coming.

"Yes he is going, but no he is not my boyfriend. I am single, and okay with it." I sighed. She gave me a knowing look, got up, and skipped around the room singing "Belles got a crush!"

Totally horrified I threw my blanket over my head and groaned. I herd a car horn and felt the blanket being pulled off of my head and came face to face with Alex.

" You better get that boy or I will..." she whispered before rubbing my head and dashing out the door saying she will text me later.

I sighed. I mean I guess that could of gone worse.


Sunday morning comes a lot sooner than I expected, and I'm stumbling out of bed remembering that Finn and I are hanging out today.

Putting my iPod on shuffle and turning the volume all the way up, I dance my way into the bathroom. I spot my new hot pink brandy Melville top and throw it on, a long with some black high waisted shorts, and a pair of Doc Martins. I curl my long blond hair and sweep on some mascara before grabbing my phone and skipping out the door.

I spot Finn sitting in his backyard and hop over the gate connecting our land. As quietly as possible I creep forward, ready to leap out and scare him.

As I got closer I realize he is on the phone and hear him yelling.

"No... Please just leave me alone, I'm done with this!... That's not me anymore..." He hung up the phone and placed his head in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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