Chapter three

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Long story short they next 2 months were full of adventures, ice cream dates, and late night talks with Finn. My mom had come home for a short week but had to fly out to malibu, leaving me alone again.

Finn and I were closer than ever and inseparable. Just the way I Liked it.

It was the day before school started and Finn and I were doing some last minute shopping.

"Do you think they are going to like me? I mean at school?" Finn asked with clear concern in his eyes.

I stared up at him, astonished that he would ask that. "Of course Finn, they will love you! I mean honestly why wouldn't they?"

He smirked at me and made a sly remark about how "perfect" he was. This boy will seriously be the end of me.

We rounded the corner, walking towards the check out lanes, but stopped, nearly running into a girl. I stepped back and took in her full figure. A hint of pain hit my chest as I realized that the girl I nearly toppled over was my old best friend Alexandrea. She was still very petite, with long light brown hair, shocking blue eyes, and her famous freckles scattered across her nose. Beautiful, defiantly the face of my popular, talented, ex best friend.

She looked startled for a moment but then realized it was me.

"Annabelle? Oh my gosh you look so pretty! You've gotten tan since I've seen you last!" she spoke with her sticky sweet souther belle accent. She shot me a genuine smile and fluttered her mile long eye lashes.

"Um.. Thanks! You've gotten... Taller?" I blushed at my awkwardness. She giggled and patted my back drawing me into a hug.

She pulled back and glanced at Finn, then back at me. "Wow I've really missed you belle. We need to hang out more this year! I'll send you a text and we can get together soon."

I nodded and smiled, grabbing Finns hand. I sent her a small wave and watched her walk away. Finn pulled me over to a check out line and turned toward me.

"What on earth was that all about??" he asked.

I sighed, not really wanting to tell our story but knowing he would get it out of me somehow. "I'll tell you when we get home."

~At Finns house~

Finn and I sat on his couch, covered with a huge blue and green blanket that Finns parents had received from one of there many around the world adventures. His mom fixed us two mugs of steaming hot chocolate and whisked herself to her room.

"Okay so spill." Finn said.

I sighed and snuggled down into the warm blanket. "That girl was my ex best friend. Yea kinda awkward right? We used to be like sisters but then we just kinda... Disconnected."

I felt a twinge of pain in my heart remembering all the good times we had.

"So why was she so happy and friendly and stuff at the store today?" Finn asked.

"I don't know Finn, I guess she just felt like being nice?" I honestly had no idea where all of that came from. I mean we haven't talked for like three years.

"Well maybe this is a good thing." Finn said "I mean maybe y'all will click again, you never know! But just remember, I got your back."

I smiled and nodded my head. Maybe we would become friends again? Who knows.


I wake up to my alarm clock blaring something by one direction. First day of school... Yaaaaaay...

I rush into my closet looking for something decent to wear. I settle on a pink chevron blouse tucked into a black luma skirt, with a pair of metallic pink oxfords. I curl my hair into big loose curls and throw on a little mascara. I figured i should at least attempt to look decent on the first day of school.

I grabbed my bag and ran out the front door, toward Finns house. He stepped out of the house with a huge smile on his face. He looks exceptionally attractive today, sporting a blue polo and a perfect quiff.

"Is that a robin egg blue shirt I spy?" I ask Finn.

He smiled even Bigger. "I hoped you would realize my little Annabelle!"

We burst out laughing and walked to Finns car.

The thing about riding with Finn is that he HAS to have music on at all times, so we were jamming out on the way to school.

We pulled up to the parking lot and grabbed a spot near the front of the school. Everyone was still outside, because the bell hadn't rung yet. We stepped out of the car and I gave Finn a reassuring nod, before heading toward the building.

As we reached the mass of high schoolers I quickly realized quite a few people were staring at us. I heard a few whispers, most of them pertaining "god he is hot" and "are they together?" I turned my head down and pulled Finn toward the door, dragging him inside.

After getting Finn situated at his locker and pointing out his classes the first bell rung, and I hurried toward my locker. I smiled at a few people but mainly kept to myself. After putting all of my stuff up I turned to walk toward my first class; photography.

I suddenly herd a high squeal and spun around to see what it was. I spotted Alex running toward me with her schedule in her hand.

She hugged me and grabbed my schedule. "Omg we have first period together yay!!"

I gave her a awkward half smile. "Well that great." I struggled out. She grabbed my wrist and bounded down the hall, talking about how much fun we would have. This shall be interesting...


10 seconds. 10 seconds left. I blinked hard trying to keep my vision from getting fuzzy as I stared at the clock above my Poetry & Writing teachers head. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Finally, the day is over.

I grabbed my stuff and held back, avoiding the riot of people running to leave the classroom. I finally started walking to the door after the last person had left. I smiled at Mrs. Madeline and turned for the door when I herd her call my name. I turned around and nodded, waiting for her to get on to me for day dreaming or doodling.

"Annabelle by what I've seen today you look like you have a lot of potential." she said, with a sweet smile on her face.

I grinned and nodded "Thank you very much, I can tell I will love this class!" suddenly I herd a crash and looked back to find Finn standing in the doorway with a pile of sharpies and a empty jar at his feet.

"Oh um... I'm sorry I was just uh.. Looking for Belle. Yea um I'll pick this up now." Finn stuttered and crouched down to gather up the mess he made.

Mrs. Madeline smirked at me and leaned over "Boyfriend." she asked?

I blushed "Um no mam, just a friend." She looked back at him fumbling with the pens and blushing.

"Just wait.." she whispered into my ear before sending me a wink. I blushed even harder and quickly turned and grabbed Finn by the arm and pulled him out of the classroom. Talk about embarrassing....

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