Chapter one

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"Annabelle Rose Jones!!"

Oh shit... What could I have done this time? I ran downstairs to find my mother standing at the door with a mop and bucket in her hands.

"uhh yes mom?" I squeaked. She had a look of pure anger on her face as the dropped the mop and broom into my hands.

"Someone left the carton of eggs sitting on the edge of the counter, and then they fell all over the floor... I wonder who that could of been?" She glanced down at the mess and then back up towards me. Hehe oops.

She stormed off into the garage "ill be back in four days belle, don't do anything stupid!" she yelled.

My mom has a very high ranked position in her buisness which, don't get me wrong it is fabulous, but it sucks when she has to leave on business trips. But I mean I get the whole house to myself so I guess it's ok.


An hour later the kitchen floor was spotless and I was bored out of my mind. The sun was shining, it was a perfect 77 degrease outside, and I had nothing to do.

I started wandering around the house when I spotted my old tree house in the back yard. It was pink and purple, the paint peeling off the sides, and covered with dried up silly string from party's long ago.

I opened the back door and walked out to the tall oak tree holding the house. I inspected the rings of the rickety old latter and decided they were good enough to climb.

Once at the top of the tree house I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Old toys, ratty stuffed animals, plastic food, and Barbie dolls were strewn across the floor reminding me of old friends, who were now long gone. I leaned out the window of the little house and saw a little pink ribbon, proudly tied to a branch. It was from my old best friend, who was basically like my sister. We were so close until middle school. She became obsessed with boys and I with music, she loved the idea of popularity, where as I was content with being a no one.

I sighed and walked away towards the other window, which pointed out into my neighbors backyard. I could see a lot of commotion going on inside of the house. Did someone finally buy that rickety old piece of crap?

The back door of the house opened and a small dog ran out looking extremely content. Then out stepped a boy. He looked about sixteen or seventeen, light brown hair styled up in a quiff, bright green eyes, and a model like smile. I noticed he was wearing a shirt with my favorite singer; Jake bugg. I decided I liked this boy.

I climbed down from the tree house and walked over to the gate connecting our houses. He seemed to notice me and smile. He yelled something incoherent to someone inside and started walking my way.

"Hi I'm Finn." he smiled and stuck his hand out.

"I'm Annabelle, you moving in?" I asked while flashing him a smile and shaking his hand. His hands were twice the size of mine.

"Yea, me, my mom, and my dad. It's beautiful here." he glanced around and smiled

"Yea wait till there's deer eating all your plants and you find a baby possum in your garage; then you won't think it's so beautiful" I said with a laugh. He chuckled and shook his head

"My parents kinda have a thing with nature so I'm sure they will love it." he rolled his eyes but then grinned again. "Would you like to come meet my family? We're about to have lunch and would love a guest."

Did this beautiful boy just ask me to have lunch with him? I guess so because before I could even reply to his question he was grabbing my hand and pulling me to the house.


Once we were in his house I was greeted by the sound of the Beatles blaring out of a large speaker. Finn apologized and ran to turn the music down. "Sorry about that, it seemed that my parents were jamming out in here."

I laughed " No need to apologize, I happen to love the Beatles!" He grinned at me and grabbed my hand again pulling me up a beautiful spiraling staircase. Once at the top there was a long hallway full of doors; each one a different shade of light blue. Finn stoped at the fourth door down, which was a beautiful robin egg blue.

"This is my room," he said. "My mom said the door describes my perfectly, calm yet light and appealing." His mother seemed to be very true.

Suddenly I herd a scream from the back room and a loud crash. Finn darted toward the room and swung the door open. When I ran up to the door I saw two people, a tall man and a short woman with the same green eyes as Finn. They were covered in paint and laughing so hard they had tears streaming down their faces. I shot Finn a confused look but he just smirked and said "Annabelle, meet my totally sane parents."

The man and woman looked up from their laughing fit and saw me standing at the door. The woman blushed and quickly got up, wiping the paint away from her face and drying her hand on a towel.

She gave me a warm smile "Hello dear I'm Maradith, Finns mom. And you are?"

"I'm Annabelle, your next door neighbor." I spoke, rocking on my heels. I tend to get nervous around adults. The man stood up and pulled me into a hug, careful not to get any paint on


"Annabelle, what a beautiful name." he beamed. Finn blushed and rolled his eyes at his parents.

"Mom, Dad, I envied Annabelle over to eat lunch with us, would you like to join?" he smirked. They agreed that lunch was a good idea and headed off into they're bedroom to change out of they're paint covered clothes. I could tell I would like these people.

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