Facing Life Right Now

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Hello everyone, its been months since I've been on wattpad so if you've messaged me I have not seen it and will respond to emails today. As you know by now, things have not been the same. I do not write at all at this point and am aware of your anticipation. I must be honest at this point to let you know that I do not have plans on writing, at least  for a while. I have a lot of lifestyle changes that I am going through, such as personal issues and a lack of interest in Diggy. I'm sorry to say it but I've lost interest in him. I will always wish the best for him though. I know you've heard me mention college and my job but its more than that likely. This story has been the last thing on my mind lately because of the things I'm facing. I just ask for prayers. No one has passed away, but going through a lot of adult things. I will always cherish this story and what its become. And you never know, I may return as a surprise. I just know right now I do not want to continue to lead you guys on knowing I cannot give this story my all at this time. I apology, sincerely but I had to let you know what's going on. As always if I were to return any time soon, you'd know. Take care, and I'll keep you guys in my thoughts as well.

I just started emailing a lot of you back and I feel like I wanna cry. The amount of love and consideration you guys are showing is priceless. It's amazing the relationships I've built doing this story. I love you guys and don't you ever question that....

If I come back, and anytime soon I want to give you guys my all. Not a chapter every week, but frequently. Just please continue to give me time to let things in my life calm down and hopefully I can make my way back to you guys. *kisses*

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