Phone Number?

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 38.2K reads. 1.3K votes.  and 209 comments?!?!?! *tears of joy* and don't forget the rankings #261 in Werewolf.

Am I dead? Saying 'Thank you' isn't enough. *Sighs* 

Dear readers. This book isn't in any good, it has a bad plot line, it is confusing and it has SO MANY grammar misuse and wrong spellings yet you still choose to read this crappy book. 

And now I may finally die in peace. 

Nah I'm kidding, I still don't have an Iphone and I still haven't visited NARNIA and HOGWARTS yet so I may not die till I have full fill my dreams in life! All I'm saying is. 

Start Reading!


Chapter 29 

Alisha POV

"Oh I know let's play a game.."

"Don't want to.." I say flatly whilst playing with my food as it is now as hard as a rock. Alisha it is bad playing with your food. Oh bad you say? Yeah suck it, I don't care. 

"Let's play.."

"Don't care."

I smirk when he lets out an annoyed growl and slap me across the face. I laugh at his frustrated face. My cheek sting a little from his slap, my cheeks were swollen and red that's for sure. 

"Listen to me you bitch!" He was hot okay, blonde hair, green eyes, a bit of a tan skin and sharp features, unfortunately he started touching me at those forbidden areas. 

It resulted him being kick on his jewels, hard. But he didn't stop there, he stood up and grab me by my neck. He was grinding his body on me and I was disgusted by myself. He started kissing me down from my jaw to my neck where he was rip off by Dexter. 

Even though he was a grandson of Lucifer he still had a heart. Now that was being settled blondie here kept saying nasty things that will make a child run for the hills. 

I was getting pissed of boy, suddenly an idea was working on my mind. I was going to piss off every guard with me till they had enough of my sickly annoying face.  

"Don't want to." I answered back with a yawn. 

He growl and walk out causing me to laugh out loud. It has been six hours since they put me here in this very dark and cold cell. There isn't any window just a plain steel door. I checked my wrist watch and it was now ten in the morning, good thing I didn't decided to took this off. 

I was chained up with  gold chains (instead of silver my weakness is gold; weird I know) with mercury and that rare kind of wolfsbane (because ordinary wolfsbane won't have affect on me) and it's getting annoying by the minute.

Thankfully they didn't put moonstone dust or it will burn down my skin until what will be left are my bones. 

Not long the door opened again, I smirk but it quickly faded when a familiar face showed up.

"Alisha it's an honour to meet you."

"I'm not the president."

"So I've been informed."

I rolled my eyes as he took a seat on the chair where all of the guards sat for the last couple of hours. "Why are you here?" Even if I already know the answer, I ask anyway.

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