Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


            It’s true when people say the honeymoon phase would not last forever. I however I’m sure like many felt as though we would always have it. Though lately we fight more than we sit and communicate I’ve been feeling like I’ve seen work more than my husband lately. Sunday morning arrived and I felt like it’s been long enough since I’ve been to church it is way pass time I go.

            The Lord says keep God intertwined in your marriage. Not your girl friends or your mother but God. Call on him he’ll help you through whatever hard times you’re going through. For in his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. What I want everyone to remember this evening is that with God all things are possible. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

            Let us pray.

            Service was just what I needed I prayed to God to enter my marriage again because I cannot deal with what is happening alone. I called Malcolm after service but was sent to voicemail. How can everything change so much why is my husband pushing me away I need to fix this. Tonight I’m going to plan a special date night for us we’ll get time to talk I’m sure then.

            I rushed home and prepared all the arrangements. Pennslanding would be having fireworks at 9 so I will have him meet me there and will do some role playing at the hotel I booked for us. Checking my watch it was 7:30 I looked over at my phone to see if he tried to get in touch with me I received nothing. Well since I’m not dressed anyway I’ll just call him when I’m done. I showered and slipped into my freak em’ dress and done my hair and makeup. Checking the time it is now 8:15 I need to get a move on if I want to make it there on time. I dialed his phone.

            “Hello Malcolm what are you doing?”

            “I was out with my friends but I got called into work and now I drowning in papers.”

            “Well I understand we really haven’t hung out with each other in a while I just thought we could.”

            “Yeah but I just want to get this finish. I’ll get dinner ordered to the office don’t wait up.”

            “Oh well alright then I guess we’ll do it another time.”


            “Ard bye”

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