Something had changed - and I hated it. I was terrified. There was a ghost in this house - and it was only after me.
So naturally - I hid myself away. Alone.
The time that I had been hiding was a mystery I didn't want to solve. I hadn't changed, and there were still bloodstains on my shirt from my bloodied shoulder where my arm used to be. I kept trying to recall each hour, backwards - until I stopped on the night of Lewis's death. I recalled it slowly - to remember every detail.
I was begging him to come.away from the edge. My arm was in pain. It was crawling up to my shoulder, into my neck. Blackness. And then he was falling. Our eyes met - and his still haunts me. His shock. His sadness.
He trusted me.
And I killed him.
The events of the night replayed in my mind - and I found myself whispering "Sorry" to the air, thousands of times in the hope that Lewis could hear me.
Something was angry with me. Someone hated me and wanted me out of this world for good. It wanted me dead. It was hunting me down and nobody else. I managed to get Vivi and Mystery to leave - whilst I 'cleared up' the investigation.
It was funny - since I had been hiding ever since. The ghost grew more violent now I was alone. Now he could hurt me. Now Vivi wasn't there to protect me.
I was alone. I was alone. I was alone.
Nobody could save me.
I was going to die - that was out of the question. It was just a question of how long I was going to last.
The ghost appeared for the first time the day after Lewis died. We had thought he was aiming at the three of us - but we soon came to realise he only wanted to hurt me. Vivi and Mystery knew they were safe.
"Go..." I told them, smiling fakely "Pick me up in four days. I'll message you if anything changes. Trust me - I'll figure this out."
Vivi nodded reluctantly - leaving me alone in the mansion. The ghost dropped chandeliers from the cieling and chased me relentlessly for hours. I found a room. It was big, and had a big lock on the door. The kind you locked from the inside. I bolted them shut - and placed my ghost tracking equiptment by my side.
I slammed my bodyweight against the door. Nobody could find me here - as long as I never left.
I couldn't stop crying. My boyfriend was dead - and I was on the verge of death myself.
The ghost tracking equiptment lay dormant for the first day. However, my anxiety willed me not to open the door.
The second day - I wondered if the ghost had left. Nothing had happened. I still didn't open the door.
It was like Lewis was still in the room with me. I was still sending him text messages.
> Sent - 19.07 //Lewis!
> Sent 19.30 //Lewis? You okay?
> Sent 00.03 //oh i remember
> Sent 00.04 // fuck im sorry i didnt
> Sent 00.07 // i didnt
> Sent 00.18 // something happened it wasnt me
> Sent 01.32 // i love you
> Sent 01.54 // i cant sleep without you
> Sent 03.58 // im scared
It took me ages to realise he was gone. Gone for good.
The third day - I needed water. Badly. I pulled out my phone and texted Vivi to see if I could get some water delivered.
> Sent 06.33 // everything is great can you drop some water off outside please?
> Recieved 06.47 // - We'll be over soon!
Then it happened.
The ghost equiptment whirred to life - indicating the presence of something else close to me. I pressed my body weight against the door in fear of being discovered.
The door wasn't opened - but the ghost slid right through it regardless. The skeleton stared at me - anger in his eyes.
"Wh-what have I done?!" I yelled, my voice shaking "I've already had enough trouble as it is! I've been possessed, forced to kill my boyfriend, had my arm bitten off, and I'm thirsty as fuck! What have you got against me, too?" I broke down, telling the ghost everything that happened. "If it's fear you want - I'm terrified. So I hope you're happy" I mumbled, shaking my head. "You might as well kill me. Now that Lewis is gone."
The ghost stared silently at me for a few moments. The moments filled up the room - until I seemed to be drowning in them. I missed Lewis so much.
The ghost drew closer to me, watching me shake with fear. This was it.
"Arthur... Don't you know who I am?"