Mrs. and Mrs. Y/L/N-Cabello

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You groaned at the sound of your wife's alarm going off. She unwrapped her arms from your body making you shiver from the lack of warmth.

"Babe, come back." You whined.

"Hon, I have a lot of meetings today." She laughed and leaned down to kiss your forehead. You groaned again and hid your face in the pillow.

Why did she have to be the CEO!?

Yes, Camila was the CEO of one of their family's business, Cabello International. At 26, the Business Management graduate was appointed by her father to run the firm. And now 2 years later, she was in the Top 5 most successful businesswomen below 30.

"Y/N/N, don't you have any schedule today?" Camila asked once she got out of the bathroom, in only a towel, drying her hair.

You turned your head to watch her strut into her walk-in closet as you went through your schedule in your head.

"Umm- I think I have a photoshoot at 10, interview at 1 aaaaand- I don't know I forgot." You smiled hearing your wife laugh.

Your phone rang interrupting your brain's happy time.


"You didn't check the caller did you?" The voice of your manager, Dinah Jane Hansen, boomed through the speakers.

"No, how'd you know?" You answered and mouthed 'Dinah' to your wife.

"You said 'Y/L/N-Cabello and I'm like, 'why is this bitch so formal?'" She laughed on the other end as you rolled your eyes.

"OK then, want me to change it? Hey bitch, what's up?" You answered sarcastically while your wife laughed again.

You got out of bed still talking to Dinah, well she's talking you're just listening to your schedules.

You might be wondering. Yes, you are a model, singer and actress. You were awarded with Grammys, 3 Oscars and bunch of other awards for your amazing career. Also ranked as The Most Beautiful Girl In The World, Top 2 Sexiest Girl in the Fashion Industry, Hottest Female Actress Alive, Female Artist of the Century and other praises.

"Now, you better get ready for your photoshoot." Dinah, finally came to an end.

"D, it's 8. I have two more hours." You squeezed your phone with your head and shoulder so you could pour the coffee into your wife's travel cup.

"May I remind you that you take about an hour to shower with the singing and shit, 30 minutes to decide your outfit and end up with a jeans and shirt, there won't be any traffic so you'll get here in about 20 minutes. Renny, takes almost an hour to get your hair and make up done for a photoshoot and you don't go into the shoot immediately, you hang in the trailer or dressing room for like 10 minutes before you come out. So more or less, 2 hours ain't enough for ya girl."

You laughed at how your best friend knows your antics so much. "Okay, I'll get ready."

"Good, well I'll see you in about 2 hours." You could hear her smile.

"See ya China. Love you."

"Love you too!" Then she hung up.

A pair of arms wrapped around your waist after you put your phone on the counter.

"You all set?" You asked the woman behind you.

"Mhm." She hummed as she spun you around and placed her lips on yours.

Camila Cabello/You ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now