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A/N: Because I am dying of heartache

Can you tell me how can one miss, what she's never had?

How can I reminisce when there is no past?

How could I have memories of being happy with you?

Can someone tell me how can this be?

The music sunk in to my heart, mind and soul, as tears rolled down my face. All I see are car lights and streets lights as I drive through Miami.

How can my mind, pull up incidents?

Recall dates and times that never happened?

How could we celebrate a love that's too late?

And how can really mean the words I'm 'bout to say?

Was I really too late to tell her? I thought to myself.

I miss the times that we almost shared

I miss the love that was almost there

I miss the times that we used kiss

Atleast, in my dreams just let me take my time and reminisce

I miss the times that we never had

What happen to us, we were almost there

Who ever said it's impossible to miss

What you never had, never almost had you

My tears were like raindrops falling as fast as my car was going. When suddenly...

Camila P.O.V

I sat on our front porch when I heard Dinah shout from the living room.

"Camila, come here!" She sounded panicked. I got on my feet and ran in.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"Y/N, got into an accident. Her car flipped on the side of the road because... Austin crashed his car into hers." Lauren answered staring into space.

I dropped down to my knees. First, I hurt her. Now, the guy I left for her tried to kill her.

Ally got me up and pulled me to car. We drove to the hospital and I cried non-stop.

We got to the emergency room, Austin was on the side, a nurse was treating him. Zayn stormed his way and punched him in the face.

"Zayn, stop. We're here for Y/N." Louis held him back. Austin only had a wound on his head but now looks like he'll have a bruise on his face.

A nurse pulled the curtain to a certain corner and we were met with Y/N's pale face. She had small cuts on her face due to the glass shards and a big piece of glass was sticking out of her upper body.

I gasped at the sight and tried getting closer but the nurses stopped us.

"Are you the victim's family?" A doctor asked Harry and he nodded. "We're gonna take her to surgery now, here are her belongings." The doctor gave Normani Y/N phone and Mani gave it to me.

Her lock screen was a picture of all of us at the beach, I opened her phone to be met with her phone log. The last person she called was me?! She called me 30 minutes ago?? I checked my phone and found out that she really did, she left me a voice mail.

I clicked on it and all I heard was heavy breathing then a breathless "I almost had you. I'm sorry. I love you."

I cried my heart out right there, clutching on to her phone and wallet.

A few minutes later, we were outside the operating room. I haven't stopped crying.

A doctor came out and he immediately looked at us.

"I have good news and bad news." We braced ourselves for the worst.

"Good news she's alive. Bad news she's in a coma." We all breathed out a sigh of relief.

"When will she wake up?" Liam asked in a sleepy tone. It was 3 am.

"We are not certain." The doctor answered and went on to the nurses station.

2 and a half years later

Y/N still hasn't woken up yet. It's been 2 years. Her vitals are good, she just needs to wake up.

They already forgave me for what I did and we couldn't be better. Austin is finally out of our lives.

I sat on her bed beside her and caressed her forehead.

"Baby, will you please wake up now?" I whispered as I kissed her head.

When I pulled away her eyes suddenly fluttered open. I jumped up in joy but what she said next shattered my heart into a million pieces.

"Who are you?"


A/N: I swear I published this last night!! Guess I didn't!! Uugghh k.fine -,- The song is Almost by Jessica Jung, i think yeah

Hope you liked it. Thanks to the people who gave me the helpful advice :)


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