The Killer and Theif

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Besides the war happening to our kingdom, we were a small and peaceful people who dislike war and death but it's very powerful but the war seems to change everything it changes each day battle after battle, swords after swords then one day darkness had ruled and blocked the light away from our beloved peaceful kingdom. But then when there's darkness there will always be light. And that day has come for the king has two sons born for they are the salvation of the kingdoms survival, years after years they trained to be a soldier they were masters at archery, swordsmanship, axes, horses and many more till one of them left and ran away he left his brother and family behind without turning back but his brother promised to make our kingdom peaceful one way or another and he also promised to bring his brother back, but we are not sure, if his alive for there were no news about him so we are not sure if his dead or alive.
"(Pant)" "COME HERE YOU COWARD!" "(Pant)" "COME ON STOP RUNNING!" I ran and ran to escape the bandits that I stole from, as I ran they shot arrows at me each of the misses then I yelled at them saying "(Heavy breathing) Wow, terrible aim huh. (Heavy breathing)" As I run and run dodging trees and fallen trees and rocks as I looked behind me and I saw there were over thirty of them chasing me. Then I fell into a hole which is probably 30-34 feet deep and maybe 29 feet wide? As I roll to the bottom, I felt every pain around my chest as I continue to roll down like a ball I heard someone saying "His here!" And something something cause I couldn't hear much. As soon I reached the bottom they were shooting more arrows at me and of course they missed a lot then I stood up and said "Come on guys you can't even shoot right!" I looked around my surrounding and I saw a lot of bandits with different variety of weapons I knew they had surrounded me in every direction then suddenly I was hit at the chest by an arrow but luckily I wore a reinforce padded leather armor which was made by a professional leather-worker he made the armor to prevent arrows and bolts from killing me and blades such as daggers, short-swords, small axes and spears but cannot help me against piercing arrows or bullets. "Ha so how's that for terrible aiming huh!" Said one of the bowman I looked down and wore my leather hoodie on my head I pull out my dagger and cutlass then I heard one of them saying "CHARGE!" They all went down the hole and left ten people behind for probably backup or just aiming and shooting at me. As I hear the rest that wasn't left behind they were screaming and running towards me then I said to myself "This is gonna be FUN!" I made a big smile on my face then I spotted the first one came at me from behind but I quickly stabbed him at the gut with my dagger then another one followed behind him but I hit him at the neck with my cutlass before he got close enough to actually hit me, I kicked the guy I stabbed earlier then I pulled out my dagger then I looked behind me and I saw twelve coming towards I said to myself "Well this is a FUN game." I threw my dagger at the person at the very front of the crowed and it hit him at the throat then I ran towards them as one of them swing his sword I dodged it by going below his sword and at the same time I used my cutlass and sliced through his stomach he dropped his sword it was a clean cut then I saw two trying to chop me with their axes but I blocked it with my sword quickly I then I grabbed a sword at the ground and sliced both of them at the chest they went down easily then I heard another one behind me he used his great sword to chop me but I managed to block it I kneel on ground using all my strength to push it up and I did it as I push it his sword slipped making it a quick kill for me stabbed him at his liver killing him as more come at me I laughed and laughed as they fall on ground lifeless as I chop their heads off it was fun I laughed more and more as many die below me till the ditch was all overflowed with corpses as I looked around thinking the fun was over an arrow hit me at the left arm I looked on where the arrow came from and I remembered that there are ten more left alive and one of them is wearing a iron chest plate, leather leggings and leather boots and gloves he wore chainmail covering his head but the face he also has a round shield behind him and a long sword attached on his waist I smiled and said "How cute." I made a smile on my face and then I ran towards them as they shoot all of their arrows at me but luckily I have a reinforce padded leather armor to help me charge up there without felling pain. As I get closer I knew they are afraid I can tell by their expression and I felt the atmosphere around me getting colder but yet it is a hot summer. As soon as I got close to the first archer he tried to run but I stabbed him at the back with the sword I used earlier from a dead guy then I chopped the remaining eight that was trying to run from me till it was just me and the last one who immediately dropped the bow for a second there I thought he was accepting death but instead he pulled out his sword and his shield and said "This is your last destination and I hope that 3251 gold you stole from us was worth it." "Oh it was and I'll used this money to get merceneries to kill your children cause it gets too boring to do it but entertaining to watch it happen. Oh by the way this is not my last destination it's yours cause friend you'd be dead where you stand." After I said that he charged at me and swing his sword down but I dogged it I quickly went behind him and waited for him to look behind which he did and charged at me quicker than before but before he can swing his sword I stabbed him through his chest as I did it he looked up at the sky and kneeled on the ground and looked at me shaking than I said "What, you think that your pathetic armor can save you well I didn't help one bit." Than he said "I' hell." before he fell and died. I quickly left smiling and satisfied about my work.

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