Kill Them All

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I hunt around the forest for days hoping to find the three people at the farm and in those days I've learned an easier way to cast spells to find and kill those people, but all I found and killed were refugees, villagers, Orcs, Bandits and Brothers of The Monastery. Before the shield was made surrounding El Spañia in 400 A.D Brothers of The Monastery is the only group of people that can only damage and kill me they are mere mortals but they have been trained to be Holy Soldiers to kill any Demons and Undead but now they were disbanded in Francisca and sent to El Spañia to kill and fight the Demon and Undead horde but now that they know I'm coming to Parisia they trained and sent the Brothers of The Monastery to find and kill me around Francisca. Then I heard familiar voices at the forest "Finally I found you." I quickly turned into a shadow to quickly go to the area where I heard the voices then I saw light shining through between the trees I quickly became myself again to prevent inquiries from the light, I hid behind a tree and saw what I think was Alex and he seemed to be climbing a tree then he ate a few mangos, I decided to kill him first I grabbed a small rock and hit him right at the head, when he got hit he touched his forehead and quickly went down the tree and looked around then I moved a bush and I quickly hid behind another tree he went to investigate the area after a while I led him out of the area where the camp is and Alicia and him would see him then he yelled "Alright enough games show yourself!" I quickly raised my hand facing him and summoned my dark vine to attack and targeted him but he quickly dodged it, I came out of my hiding spot and cast Eruption making the ground to crack and causing lava to erupt out of the ground but he dodged the cracks and maintained his balance which is impressive cause every time I cast Eruption it always makes the enemy loose balance making them fall onto the lava but he was different when the lava finally became stone he came at me with his sword on his hand then he swing to the left but I dodged it and I summoned my dark vines at him but every time I do it he always seems to dodge it causing my vines to miss and hit the ground, then I grabbed my dagger and threw it at him hitting his sword, his sword fell to the ground he tried to grab it but I covered it with dark fluids at it, if he touches it it would burn and melt his skin and muscle but the sword will not be affected by it's acid like substance, I ran into the forest he pulled out a Axe out of his leather cloak and chased after me I hid behind a rock as he tries to find me I threw six throwing daggers at him four hit him but the two missed his blood spilled onto his Axe and drips down I quickly ran out of my hiding place to head towards the area we were at but he noticed me and chased after me as I run I laughed and laughed while he chases me then I tripped and I stood up then he swing his Axe but I dodged it making his Axe hitting a tree then I pushed one of the daggers further in his body "Aghhh!" He screamed in agony as I pushed the dagger in his body then he grabbed a silver knife and swing it at me but I dodged it and ran to the area were we were at I looked behind me and saw him pulling out the daggers then I snapped my fingers making the daggers to disappear but leaving black fluids behind "Aghhhhhh!" He screamed in pain I sat down on the ground waiting for him then when he finally came he said "Give me a reason to let you stand up rather to kill you already?!" "Cause you still have to dodge this." I snapped my fingers casting Hell Storm when the inferno tornadoes hits the ground he started rushing towards me and swing his knife at me but I dodged it after ten minutes the storm was lifted he was burnt severely and some parts of his skin starts to melt of from the dark fluids but he still rushed towards me swinging his knife at me but I kept dodging it then I had enough I summoned a dark vine to hit his stomach when he got hit he flew back from the hit of the vine then I summoned by Blasters and fired a dark beam at him but he some how dodges it even if he is severely injured I kept firing at him a few hit him but the rest didn't the misses creates massive craters on the ground and the fighting and the attacks I use is making me tired and draining my mana from my body so I have to end it quickly before my powers will use my essence to perform these powers.
I used all of my remaining mana to summon Dark vines, Eruption and Hell on Earth which causes the ground to burn in flames, he was inquired he tried to dodge the attacks but every time he dodges it's a one step closer from dying then my vines got him it tangled around him and turned him upside down as the thorns penetrates his body he screamed in agony and his blood spilled on the ground when he finally died I grabbed his knife and cut his chest wide open and grabbed his heart and placed it in a jar I left the area tired and left him there. I continued heading for Parisia and wait there but I know that no one would ever let me enter. It was midnight and Parisia is just in front of me, I have regenerated all of my mana enough to cast ninety one spells my first spell to destroy the city was Eruption the cracks split the city in half and lava burning the buildings, people, and destroying everything after a while I cast Meteor Shower all over the city everything was breaking and collapsing and exploding, the city was in flames screams can be heard from all over the city I saw soldiers evacuating everyone at the Monastery which they thought it's the safest place in the city and could only fit just a quarter population of the city. And people trying to get in the Monastery while lava slowly pours in and soldiers trying to control the crowd of people, I summoned my Dark vines to attack the surviving citizens in the market, barracks, inns, taverns and the school as the vines tangles around buildings trapping survivors inside the building and killing them by impalement by the vines, suffocation from the smoke, stabbed by the thorns, and killed by suicide. Mass suicides occurred from the schools and areas trapped and surrounded by lava, the city was in total chaos people were panicking, killing each other, and dying by their own cause and by my cause after a while the lava finally become rock and the meteors stopped but my vines is still in the city killing, trapping, and tangling people, there was no hope of survival or escape but people are still trying to open the gate of the city while others are taking the leap of faith of the walls I then cast Rise of the Dead causing dead people to be alive and Undead but they can only live for five hours before dying again the Undead killed and ripped people apart from the walls, markets, the castle, and the Monastery every men grabbed as much weapons to kill the Undead horde slowly walking towards the Monastery as fire spreads through out the city burning people inside building while the Undead gnaw on their flesh and bones as children trying to run away from the Undead in the schools and other children pulling out their swords and slashing and killing the Undead attempting to survive the end as people pray to the heavens begging for mercy and praying to hope this would all be over and thinking this is just a nightmare as 500 children and men carry weapons fight a horde of 80,000 Undead heading towards the Monastery. People were dying and panicking I went inside the city and saw people pushing the gate while the Undead chew the flesh of others behind them I cast a Fireball blowing up the gate guts and organs splatter on the ground the ones who survived now lay dead on the ground as the Undead pulls out their guts and organs out of their body chewing their flesh out of their bodies eating them as they scream in terror, pain, and agony I walk in a field of corpses. I saw people hanged on the nearest tree rubble blocking the streets seeing people trapped between them and impaled by the rubble I went towards the Monastery only greeted by soldiers guarding the front gate "Stay where you are!" They shouted "Heheheh yeah?" "Who are you?!" Then I shouted "Your Nightmare!" I cast my vines below them tangling them from behind and killing and impaling them with it's thorns then I saw group of people approaching the place I quickly teleported inside a building waiting for them then when I finally saw them I cast Claw. Big claws came out of the ground and pushed them towards the wall of the Monastery as the big claws pushed them towards the wall crushing their bones and suffocating them I cast Shadow Daggers, the claws disappear like a ghost and the daggers hits them at their bodies their blood spilled all over the wall as the daggers disappear a group of In dead found the corpses and ate them I teleported to the gate and cast Fireball and Dark Fog, the Fireball hits and blows up the gate followed by a dark dense fog spreading all over the Monastery then I teleported towards the Monastery's bell tower and banged *bang* *bang* *bang* the bell was so loud it echoed all over the city then a loud moan can be heard outside the Monastery a large horde of Undead gathered outside slowly making it's way through the streets, I teleported inside the Monastery seeing people rushing through the doors and barricading the doors and windows and grabbing as much furniture to the other rooms they haven't seen me yet since I was on the ceiling sitting and watching them on a wooden board watching them from above then the Undead broke through the doors and windows slowly chasing the civilians and eating and chewing their flesh off their arms, legs, neck, face, head, chest, and more seeing their organs ripped out made me blood thirsty I teleported to the chapel where I would meet the High Priest. There I saw him facing and kneeling towards the cross and saying "God have mercy on our souls forgive our sins." Then I interrupted saying "You know father I wonder why would you still pray to a God you can't see?" He stood up and looked at me and said "How dare you say God's name you Demon!" I laughed and I said "How stupid can you get?! Your going to die and that's what you say?!" I quickly used Shadow Run and went towards him and I grabbed his neck and pushed him down "(chocking)" "Did you really think you could live?!" I let go of his neck and grabbed him and threw him towards the door as the screams of men and women echoes the building I said "Do you hear that?" He looked at me then I said "That's the screams of the people you swore to keep safe?" He stayed silent and I said "And what do you do? What do you do!?" "Prayed for mercy and forgiveness." "Exactly that's what you did rather to be out there grabbing a sword and start killing the Undead and maybe you could've saved most of the people here! But no! Instead you insist to stay here and do nothing but pray!" Silence was all I heard from him "And even if that helps! Do you think God would forgive you or anyone? There's a reason why I'm here to give Judgment!" "But you have no right to Judge!" "But he has! And your saying no one can Judge then your saying he can't Judge as well!" "But you are not him and you would never be like him!" I quickly teleported towards him and grabbed his neck and I said "Where going somewhere!" I teleported to the cafeteria with him and I threw him on a table I grabbed a lit candle on a candle stand and pulled my dagger out and approach him "W-what are you doing!?" I threw my dagger at him hitting his right shoulder "Ahhhhhh!" "Stay down!" I pulled the dagger and said "You know. All of very exciting! And we're gonna play a game!" I stabbed him at his right hand "AGHHHHHH!" I pulled the dagger towards me ripping through his bone and flesh he screamed in pain then when it finally ripped through between his fingers and placed the candle on his hand as the hot wax slowly drips down towards his hand burning his hand and he screamed and stood up but I quickly placed my elbow on his chest to stop him from standing as more hot wax drips down he screamed more and more then when the wound was covered in wax I said "Well how disappointing this hand is unusable." I then cut his hand off and the candle in half I did the same thing to his other hand but he kept on screaming and struggling then I said "Really? I thought that your already used to it?" Then he replied "Well you should return to Hell!" I chuckled a bit and placed the candle on his hand and the hot wax drips on his hand but this time instead of screaming like a mad man he grind his teeth and screamed a bit and breathes heavily then when it was already filled with hot wax I cut all of his fingers for the fun of it when the candle almost depleted I looked at him and he had passed out I grabbed a bottle of water and poured it all over his face he finally woke up gasping for air "Good your awake. Cause I need you to be awake for this." I quickly grabbed his left eye and made his eye wide open then I pushed the candle in his eye burning it. He screamed louder then I pull the candle out he placed his hands on his eye as I laugh from the enjoyment he said "W-why? W-why...would you....n-not..k-kill me?" I stared at him and said "Cause where's the fun in that!" He looked at me and said "J-just kill m-me." "You sure?" He nodded "YOU SURE!?" I laughed and laughed then I stabbed him at his stomach. He looked at me as I push the dagger to the right then I pull it out and stabbed him at the neck and pushed it down towards his chest then I pulled his chest wide open and pulled his heart out his blood spilled out of his body spilling all over the table and creating a pool of blood on the floor and table then I placed it in a jar before I left the room I did some artistic work on him and when I was done I teleported to the bell tower waiting for the three while the Undead searches and eats the remaining survivors in the city besides it won't be long before I will kill them all.
Once it hits morning the remaining Undead went to the north wall supposedly to kill the remaining survivors in the city I stayed in the city for days seeing the Undead horde leave the city just after killing the remaining survivors at the north wall and probably attacking nearby villages, towns, and fortresses then they came I saw three people came in the city gate, I knew that I killed Alex and I knew I have to kill him and Alicia but the man in robes is someone I haven't met but I know that he sent them here to train him into a Holy Knight or a Paladin in the city's Monastery or training grounds but it was already too late for them, they walk around the around the city to find the Monastery finding ways to go around the rubble on the streets and massive ravines or cracks in the city then when they finally made it to the Monastery I watched them enter and see the horrors I created I teleported near the cafeteria or dinning area seeing them enter the room I heard then speaking then I teleported on the bell tower and bang it. The sounds echoes all over the Monastery and the city then I teleported to the hallway there I encountered them I spoke to them a bit then I cast a dark vine swinging at them they bounced, slide, and flew across the hallway and hit the wall hard stopping them then I fired a Dark beam at the with no hesitation they quickly dodged it then I said "Huh....always wondered no one uses their weakest attack." Then I cast Dark vines at them but the girl pushed him and took the hit I commanded my Dark vines to bring the girl towards me then I took her heart, grabbed a jar and squeezed it filling the jar with blood, and ate her heart he looked at me then I spoke to him and fired a beam at him but the man I presumably think that his a monk grabbed him I teleported behind him and stabbed him with my cutlass then he said to him "Find Oliver." Before he stumbled and fell to the ground then I looked at him and I said "You know..I'll give you a chance so you could mourn and suffer from all of the things you saw then I kill you." Then I counted "1,2,3-" But then he stabbed me with his sword but no affect "Hahaha pathetic." He looked confused but he pushed the sword but I wasn't inquired since his sword was has no affect the only way to kill me was Purity and he wasn't trained to have Purity he only has Bravery, Patience, and Integrity but he has a little sign of Purity which he could gain Purity if he practices bit he hasn't then I yelled "PATHETIC HAHAHA!" I summoned a beam behind him but he dodged it used Shadow Run to escape then when the beam faded he looked around trying to find it he stood up then I said "You will die here!" I cast my Dark vines at him there my vines popped out of the ground hitting the ceiling he ran out of the area and went towards the exit but I cast Block to cover the door with Dark Vines he tried to look for a way out then I cast Rows of Beams he quickly dodges the first row as he runs more rows of beams fired at him then he ran somewhere "Where's he going?" I quickly became a shadow and followed him he was heading towards the tower I teleported outside to get a better view there I saw him on the bridge I cast twenty of my Blasters below him and then when he saw me I pointed my thumb down, when he looked down my blasters fired.
As he runs the basters fired disconnecting the bridge from the other side then he fell but he quickly jumped and held on the edge he quickly climbed up I was frustrated I cast my Dark vines to carry me around the building and I use Demon Eye there I saw him walking in a corridor I teleported on top of a building facing the corridor then I cast Dark vine to attack the corridor, the vines broke through the windows and wrapped around the roof then when it broke through all of the windows and wrapped around the roof I pulled my hands towards the air commanding my vines to tear the roof apart then I cast Barrage beams of Dark Light ripping through the walls below the corridor collapsing the corridor but I knew he had escaped since I saw him run I then used barrage in the building destroying the Monastery completely then it collapsed "Heheh good now my greatest threat is now dead."

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