The New Royal King

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Ever since my brother left us, my father died because he was sick and the doctors can't do anything else to cure the illness of his, the last time I saw him was when I was just 15 years old there I saw him lying on his bed when my father saw me he called me and said to me "My..son, bring this kingdom to glory and salvation for you are their king." When he died I cried there but mother was there to support me than my mother said "Son you have to be strong like your father your the king you have to be strong for this kingdom and for it's people please son be strong." I did what she said I stayed strong without my father I felt weak by when time passes you become strong then my mother passed away as well just two years after my father died because of an assassination which happened the night my father died, I didn't cry I stayed strong for my parents but I cried inside me, but I am going to stay strong for my kingdom, for my people and for my brother where ever he is I am certain that he is alive and I am now the king of Elvon and I will be strong for my people and for my family.
"My king." A guard approaches and knelt down and then he stood up and said "A army of Orcs are heading this way my lord." I was afraid when I heard that news then he said "That's not all my lord a hunter spotted a large group of Demons gathering in the forest." Then I said "Then what are you waiting for! Arm the troops and get them ready at the city walls and on the streets we have to defend the city!" He nodded and quickly ran to tell to the General I sat down on my throne and called my servant it didn't take long for him to arrive as he approached me he bows and said "What do to you need my lord." "Ready me my battle armor." He nods and left the room, I stood up and left the throne room and walked down a long corridor as I hear the birds singing outside, the corridor was very bright and yellowish because of the flooring and windows to make the corridor more peaceful and fills our spirits with kindness and humility making the atmosphere calm as I reached the long corridor I heard someone call me "My Lord!" I looked behind me and saw the admiral of the 15th Shadow Archer battalion the most accurate archer battalion in the entire kingdom, he quickly approaches and said "The creatures are here my lord." "Then why are you still here then go now!" "Yes my lord." He quickly left the corridor without saying anymore words, I also left and headed to the armory there I saw my servant then he said "Your armor is ready my lord." "Good you are dismissed." He bows and leaves quietly, I opened the door and went inside it didn't take long for me to find and wear my armor, as soon as I was ready I heard a big explosion, which seems that the sounds came from the western city walls I quickly left the armory and headed outside the walls immediately I was greeted by my Kings Guards awaiting for my arrival and I was also greeted by archers on the castle walls, as I approach my horse I heard another explosion coming from the northeastern city walls I quickly got on top of my horse and told my guards to follow me and left the castle gates and I entered into the city which I saw most of the walls collapsed to the ground as I saw buildings burning and saw my catapults firing flaming shots at the enemy then I said "Alright were are my soldiers?" "There deep inside the city sir. Why do you ask?" "Cause were gonna go there and support my men." They knew that they had no other choice since whatever decisions I make, my guards will follow my decision I decide so we went deep inside the city. As we entered the city I saw a units of soldiers holding there ground in a shield wall formation at the streets and saw arrows blocking the sun and saw flaming rock flying all over the place and I saw another units of soldiers blocking the other side of the street to prevent them to being flanked at the back and since we were at the middle of the street I had decided to aid the soldiers at the street to hold the formation and send my unit of Kings Guard to aid the other units at the other side of the street as we split up I heard more explosions caused by catapults but we had to stay focus as soon as we got there we immediately joined the crowed since we had a good formation I said "Push!" So they did making the enemy to stumble and fall to the ground while slice and stab the rest on the ground. After the battle one one the soldiers said "This is not over my lord there are still men defending the gates and the collapsed parts of the walls." "Well let's get to it then!" I looked at the other side of the street and I saw my guards and the soldiers defending that choke point when one of the guards approaches we were hit by catapults, I fell of my horse and was eventually unconscious, the time I woke up I saw everything turned to ashes and dust the buildings were nothing but burnt wood and rock every building was empty as I walk down the street of corpses I saw every corpse around me rotten I don't know how long I've been passed out but it's better that way for I felt every part of my body broken and in pain, I went to the caste which is now in rubble there I saw a well luckily it was still fresh so I drink a lot of water then I went inside as I entered I heard the ceilings crack and columns breaking and I saw a few part of the ceiling already collapsed which leads to the floor above, as soon as I continued to walk around the place I heard voices of men and a scream of women. I went towards where the screaming came from and there I saw two men chasing a girl I felt like I wanna go in there and save her but how I have no weapon but that's what I thought as I looked on my stomach I saw a knife or dagger or something stuck inside as I try to remove it I heard the girl scream louder and louder saying "Help me please!" So I ignored the pain I felt and focused on the sounds I hear to probably make me stronger and make me focus more and the stronger part did work but the focus no it didn't for I heard one of the men saying "Don't you worry you'll be with your mommy and daddy!" "No! You bitches!" "This will be slow and painful!" As I hear more yells and screams I finale removed it but as soon as I did it blood gushed out of my stomach and I felt my back in a lot of pain and saw my blood drip out of my body but i stayed focused and head in there to kill the two men besides i'm just gonna die one way or another as I rushed in with the unknown item I have in my hand I stabbed on of the men who was holding her down at the back of the neck killing him as he gushes blood out of his neck and chocking in his own blood and by the weapon itself the other one yelled at me saying "NOO! You bitch!" As he kicks me down he grabbed the man I killed and looked at him and then he grabbed the weapon and said "You killed my Father!" As tears drop from his eyes he lifted the weapon or item up in the air but he kicked at the back by the girl, he dropped the item I grabbed it hit him at head and stab him at the chest. As soon as I did it I dropped to the floor placing my hands on my open wound and said to myself "Even if I die at least I did something good before I die here." As I slowly close my eyes the girl said "No, no no don't die on me please." As I closed my eyes I thought to myself maybe I'll be back with my family.

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