Part 3-The Storm

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In this chap BLEEP gets real.
Jesse's P.O.V

The oceolts snickered as I got tugged away by Gabriel.I think Jess chuckled a little, too.New rule for me: Trust NO ONE.Not even friends.Like I have any, expect for Lukas, Jessica, and Petra.
-Time Skippy to principals office-
"Mr.Emerald, I am disappointed in you.I never thought you would do such a thing."Principal Soren said to me.
"It was by accident!I didn't know it would hit his stomach!"I said."I didn't mean for it to hit him there!"

"Seriously? Aiden gave me this picture of you snickering after you hit him."He said, showing the picture to me.
"That's photoshopped!" I was the last one on my team standing, and it shows that I was out of the game!Use your eyes!"I said, showing and telling the differences.

"Wow, wouldn't have noticed.I'm sorry Mr.Emerald, but I still have to call you're parents."He said, dialing my house number."718-284-09782"

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"I moaned, and walked out of the principals office and slammed the door behind me.

"Aiden Wincsheild, to the principals office now."He said on the loudspeaker.I chuckled, due to the sweet felling of REVENGE.

Next up was Creation class.Teaching was Mr.Ivor, and he wanted to build a controllable Wither.I raised my hand to voulenteer, but he picked Lukas.

"Put 3 soulsand in a formation like this, with a command block on the middle.Then put 3 Wither skulls on top of them, and boom!"He said, and spawned a wither.We all did the same, and Withers were flying everywhere.One shot a skull at me, but I dodged it."That wasn't supposed to happen!"He said."Not like this!"He screamed like a girl and ran out of the classroom."Woah,Cool!"I said, and everyone stared at me.

Soon, all the Withers merged and turned into a huge monster that was out of control and made the roof collapse. "Evacuate building!"The loudspeaker said, and we all ran out with screams in our ears."Everyone! Come with me!I have a temple where we'll be safe!"And everyone ran for their life, but I ran to my house.I got mom and dad (Steve and Alex) and Reuben to follow me.I carried Reuben to the temple.

Gabriel presented us to a nether portal, and we all went through expect for Mom and Dad, Me, Petra,and all the teachers expect for Ivor.He was a coward.No BLEEP Sherlock, No BLEEP.

"Here, take this. You'll Need it to fight off the tentacles."Dad said, giving me a Iron Sword. They had diamond, but no time to complain.

I slashed the tentacle and hit cut a little hole through it. There was Purple goo splattered everywhere until the tentacle gave up.

"Go through the portal, honey!"Alex said, was shocked to see Dad in a beam.She ran over to him, but she got stuck in one.
"I'll get one, you get the other!"Petra said. I put my sword away and was in shock.Then, I grabbed Mom.She was out, but a tentacle knocked Petra and Lukas in. Then, all the teachers were swopped in, and it was just me and Dad and Alex, but she also got knocked in.Without hesitation, I grabbed Dad, but during the process, a mysterious person pushed me and kicked me in, and left Dad behind.Everyone expect my Dad was in the Nether.

Ha!Cliffhanger! Won't keep ya waiting tho, will uptade tommorow!That's a Promise!

Words:577 (Edit:589 words)

Cya later my Witherstorm destroyers!

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