Another Day in Captivity and a Change of Plans

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(Be warned, there is slight gore in this chapter, I guess? Also, it is a long chapter this time, which probably is a good thing? I'm not sure if you guys are happy or angry with me for it being a longer chapter, tell me in the comments)

Ty's P.O.V

Another day has gone by, another day I might die....

I have been stuck here for so long I have completely forgotten when I was first taken here. The experiments have gotten more brutal, close to dyeing because of the many electric shocks, gases, and unknown possibly deadly fluids thrown our way. It was hard enough having to be away from my family, but this has gone too far. I still faintly remember the voices and faces of my friends and family, but I mostly remember the face of (Y/N). God I miss her, but she might have forgotten about me and moved on, although I wouldn't blame her.

Me and Corona have been planning to escape for a month now, we both believe we have the perfect plan of finally becoming free, but it was a bit risky. We planned to see if we could somehow break open the bars, although they are obsidian, it's worth a shot. We plan to do it tonight, once all the people in the building have gone, including the man that got us here in the first place. We have to be patient though, if we do it any sooner than we have a higher risk of getting caught. We hope that the day will go by faster, it usually does, but I guess life wants us to suffer and make the day slower than ever. Corona has been dealing with the brutal behavior longer than I have... I wish I could understand why she hasn't snapped yet but I guess she is that strong of a person.

As I converse with Corona about later I begin to hear foot steps approach, we quickly end our conversation and look at the front of our cells, and of course the man stood there with the same evil grin he wore many times before (hey that rhymes!.. too soon?). His voice seemed more sinister than before, but I'm not even sure if that's possible, "Hello, hybrids". It's like venom filled his words when he spoke the word 'hybrid' like it was some sort of sick and cruel being that must die, but that is probably how he sees us.. a being that should die...

He grinned while looking at me, and then Corona, and then back to me. I gulped, not liking the feeling he gave off. I then noticed the syringe in his hand, filled with a strange liquid, it was grey, but seemed to have some sort of red too it... Was it some other poor hybrids blood? Hopefully not.. that is unsanitary, and just plain gross.. (not the right time to be grossed out Ty, you have more horrid things to worry about -_-). He soon opened my cell door and approached me slowly, raising up the syringe in his hand, I understood why he had it now, and I did not want to be injected with whatever was in it, so I took the opportunity and lunged at him, knocking out the syringe in the process, having it shatter on the floor, loosing the dull liquid.

The man was enraged and tried to choke me, but I wrapped my tail around his ankle and threw him to the ground, but not without hearing a couple sickening cracks coming from him. I watched him get up and I took note of the angry look he held on his face. He ran at me and kicked me in the stomach and I fell on my knees, looking up only to receive a punch to my nose. I soon felt a warm liquid running down my face, I touched my nose and only felt pain, and my blood coming out of it. I looked at the man and growled, I lunged at him once more. slowly digging one of my claws into his hand. just seeing the blood and skin peeling away made me smile. I could just feel him trembling, it felt.. great... I felt happy... I felt that.. "I wanted more" ... I didn't notice but, my eyes started turning purple and black horns were starting to form on my head. I wasn't aware of it until Corona's voice brought me back to realty. I quickly stopped, the purple hue in my eyes disappearing, and my horns growing smaller by the second.

I looked at the man and quickly got off of him, leaving him there in pain... I ran out of my cell to Corona's and busted the lock, I opened the door and ran, with her following close behind, we heard sirens sounding throughout the hallways, but we just kept running. Hoping to feel the cool breeze and soft grass once again. We kept running, hallway after hallway. We didn't stop, we just kept going until we were met with a big iron door, I put a hand out to touch it but it opened, revealing the outside world... We stepped out, feeling the air in our face, the grass below out feet, and hearing the many animals that were in our range of hearing... Yes, we were finally free...

"Or so you think..."

Well I finally got this chapter done! I am sorry for the long wait, I mean, an entire month!?! What was I thinking??? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the many new mysteries that were discovered! I hope to start the next chapter soon, thank you all for reading, byeeeeeeeee!

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