Chapter Eighteen: Decisions

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Navaryn's house nestled in a tiny dell that had only one outlet, a narrow neck in the stone that required myn to pass single file. A sheer cliff blocked the back with a waterfall descending from its heights to feed the stream running through the center of the little valley. Her gifts concealed the entrance from those who had not been given permission to approach her. Elms and maples shrouded the garden and the yard. Goats and sheep bleated in the pasturage behind the house. Two big dogs rushed out at Lokynen and Hathura, sniffed at them and then the mon in Hathura's strong arms. The dogs trotted back to the house to let their master know that she had company.

The master of the house was standing on the veranda when they reached it. Navaryn toyed with a long length of her pale, silvery hair as she reached out to touch Nikko. "A village lawgiver," she said, noting the runes hanging from his neck. The lycan-born yuwenghau Read Nikko with a quick brush of her fingers. "Arrow wounds and he's full of Devil's Silver. Bring him."

Hathura tossed an irritating glance at Lokynen, as if to say: yes, there is such a thing.

They entered the large, airy house through an expansive foyer. To their left opened a long, deep sitting room and ahead of them waited the kitchens and the hallway leading to more rooms and a stairway to the second floor. Navaryn's daughter, Pandeena, was just coming down the stairs. She wore a soft, knee-length shift and light sandals whose thongs wrapped up her shapely legs to the hem.

Navaryn gestured for Pandeena to come with them. "I need you."

Pandeena squeezed against the balusters so that they could pass, and followed them back upstairs. She ran to the linen closet in the hall and returned with several thick pads.

Hathura carried Nikko into a guest room that Navaryn indicated with her hand. Pandeena darted past Hathura, turned back the covers, and spread the pads on it. It was easier on a patient to change the pads than to change complete bed linens. They were also very absorbent and easily cleaned.

Navaryn helped them settle Nikko on the bed. She glanced at them. "Hathura, you know better than to tear barbed heads from someone."

Hathura looked distressed by her statement. "I didn't do it. Imps did. None of the shafts or heads were left behind either."

Navaryn frowned. "That's strange."

Pandeena went to tall chest of drawers, opened one, and started laying her mother's tools and medicines out on the nightstand.

"What's more." Hathura touched Nikko's hand, indicating the missing finger. "Their leader bit his finger off and took it with him as a trophy."

"Proof of his death?" Navaryn suggested. "Imps don't use arrows, although they've shot him full enough of Death Lotus to put him down."

Hathura and Lokynen exchanged glances. "We didn't see anyone else," Lokynen said.

Navaryn began cutting away the bandages and probing the wounds as she spoke. "Damn! These imps never leave evidence behind. Their master is cunning."

"You know him?" Lokynen asked.

"Only by his deeds and his trademark. Hundreds of my people have died at his hands. He's the Butchering Serpent."

"You should leave now," Pandeena said. "Mother and I must try to draw the poisons out of him and mend his injuries." She gazed down at Nikko. "He's so young, mother, to be suffering like this."

"It's always the young males who die first in these wars. Now hush and work," said Navaryn.

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