Chapter Twenty: Shops, Diaries, and Murder

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Cahira stood in the street, her head craned back as she watched Todd and the two Scott cubs, Rory and Hamish, hang the big wooden sign on her shop: Cahira's Potions and Notions. Underneath the words were three sets of symbols that the largely illiterate lycan community could understand: a mortar and pestle; a serpent wrapped staff; a book, a bottle of ink, and a quill.

"Potions, healing, scribe, and translator. I do it all."

When Todd suggested they should hire some help around the place, Cahira had immediately decided upon Rory, because Finn had told her about Rory fetching them when Kynyr was in danger and she felt she owed the boy a debt – although she had not told Rory that. Rory had turned out to be an impressive negotiator for just nine years old, persuading her to hire his eight year old brother also. So now the Scott cubs worked around the shop and living area for two coppers each a week, plus lunch.

Rory glanced over his shoulder as he started down the ladder, and gave a loud derisive hoot. "Watcha lookin' at ya old stink face!"

Cahira lifted an eyebrow and turned to see who Rory had directed his insult at.

Baroucha stood on the wooden boardwalk across the street, glaring at the sign. "Don't get too cozy, Cahira. You won't last."

Despite the heat, Baroucha wore a high collared dress of heavy fabric that snugged her neck. It tied on from shoulder to hips. Baroucha made no attempt to hide the fact that her breasts sagged almost to her waist. She carried a fighting knife on her belt that made Cahira wonder what might have changed with Baroucha: she had never carried one when they were young.

"I like it here, Baroucha."

"Don't cross me, Cahira. You'll regret it."

Cahira's lips tightened. "You weren't so bold when I caught you trying to poison Kynyr."

Baroucha sucked in a sharp breath and retreated as Cahira approached her. "It wasn't poison."

"But it would have killed him. So what's the difference? Hmmmn?"

"Get away from me." Baroucha made a sign against the Evil Eye, and scuttled off down the street.

Todd stepped from the ladder, chuckling. "It's a god's guess what she'll try to pull. But she'll try something."

"I hope so. Then I'll step on her and squash her like a bug."

Rory and Hamish sauntered over to them giggling. Hamish flipped a victory sign to her. "You get her, Cahira. We'll shy a rock up her arse if you want."

Hamish pulled his sling from his pocket and brandished it, swinging it around and around.

Cahira put her arms around the cubs and walked them into the shop. "If anyone's going to throw rocks, it will be me. I want both of you to stay out of trouble."

Rory and Hamish slipped from her grasp and ran to a stack of wooden crates sitting in front of a fine cabinet that was wood halfway up and glass the rest. They started unpacking the crates and putting things on the shelves without being asked.

Cahira stood near them smiling. "You know, Rory, when you turn ten, you can be legally apprenticed."

Rory beamed. "To you?"

"Who else?"

Cooley stepped out of the backroom and watched them with longing in his eyes. He started to turn away, but Cahira had seen him.

"Come here, Cooley."

He came, shuffling his feet and staring at them. Cahira pulled him into her arms and held him for a long time in silence. The Scott cubs gathered beside them. "You're lonely. I can see it."

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