Chapter 2

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I am just using the pictures to describe how my characters look.

Riley Voelkel as Dakota Mason

So my fist day of college has finally come. Not that I am really excited about it. Thinking that it's my first day, I decided that I should look a little presentable.

Kidding! I don't really crae. I just got dressed in some black leggings, a purple lacey tank top, with a jean jacket and ankle boots.

Leaving my hair flowing loose and curly, I applied eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. If Ryder saw the way I dressed he would flip. But I could care less about what he thinks.

My new car was dropped off yesterday, a brand new Lamborghini. I know it might be a waste of money, but I just had to get it. Moving on. I grabbed my bag, phone and keys before I headed to campus.

I made sure to make an entrance as I parked my car and I'm sure a lot of people were startled by the screeching sound of the car tires. Everybody stared at me in awe and I couldn't help but smirk as I got out of my car.

Gaining attention to myself is all part of my plan to get the word spreading about me, so my 'daddy dearest' can know that hell is about to go down. He will underestimate me, then I will show him how cold his 'daugther' can be. He will see the monster he created.

People kept starring at me as I made my way inside, and I made sure to put in a little strut as I walked. I already know Greg, Dallas and Shaw came to see who the new mysterious girl is. They are Ryder's friends and part of his gang. Shaw is his right hand man and the other two are just some back up.

I got my class schedule from the office and started heading to my first class when I bumped into all three of the guys and couldn't help but smirk as they glared at me.

"Nice to see you all again." I taunted with a grin.

"Why did you come here?" Shaw hissed through gritted teeth.

"Now, now. This isn't how we greet 'friends'." I said feigning hurt, but still my smirk stayed on my face.

"We warned you to stay in London, Dakota." Dallas said taking an intimidating step towards me.

"And I like really didn't care about what you told me. Please tell Ryder he has company." I said before turning around and going to my class.

Introductions weren't really my thing. They are so boring and why would I want to tell stangers about myself. So I went with something short.

"Sup." I said before walking to an open seat at the back, next to a guy who is starring at me amused. And I must say he is good looking. Not that I would admit that out loud.

"That was an interesting introduction." The guy said before holding his hand out to me. "I'm Cedric Knight." He introduced.

"Dakota Mason" I replied without shaking his hand. Clearly embarrassed by the fact that I didn't shake his hand, he awkwardly scratched the back of his head and cleared his throat.

"Nice to meet you, Dakota." He said with a grin.

"Likewise." I replied before turning to the front and retrieving my books.

One of Cedric's friends and a guy who looks similar to Cedric, who were seated in front of us, turned to look at us when we were talking.

"So the mysterious new girl has a name." Cedric's friend said jokingly. I only rolled my eyes.

"I'm Blaze and this is Edric, Cedric's twin." The same guy said not caring that I just rolled my eyes at him.

I only replied with a 'hello' and 'nice to meet you' before I started listening to the teacher.

Cedric kept trying to talk to me, but was stopped by the teacher who scolded him, making me smirk.

"Hold up." Cedric called out after class and I sighed as I turned to face him.

"What?" I asked vaguely.

"Why did Shaw and the other d-bags talk to you earlier?" He asked, but shot another question before I coulp answer. "Why do you look so familiar?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I grinned as he gave off a hint that he knows Ryder and his friends, and the fact that he clearly hates them.

"Now that's an interesting story. But sadly you'll have to wait and see. Who knows how long it will take till hell breaks loose." I told him mysteriously, adding a shrug before heading to my next class.

At lunch time I sat alone in the cafeteria. Not that it really bothered me since both Cedric, Shaw and their friends have been bugging me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when three chairs were pulled out in front of me and three girls sat down. I immediately recognize them as Cedric's friends.

"Your Dakota, right?" The middle one asked. I slowly nodded. "Nice to meet you. I'm Chanel, this is Lorraine (on her left) and Saige (on her right)" She said. A small smile appeared on my face.

"Aren't you all in Cedric's group?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but the thing is, my boyfriend said you looked familiar and you really do. Have we met before?" Saige asked.

I ignored her question and replied with something else. "Boyfriend?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. His name is Talon. He's the one on Cedric's right" She said pointing to their table.

I tensed as I recognize him as the guy who was watching me at the gym the other day.

Averting my eyes, I cleared my throat and looked back at the girls.

"Are you sure we haven't met before?" Lorraine asked. I merely shrugged.

"Who knows. Anything is possible. My mom and step-dad were killed, my brother abandoned me at the age of fifteen and my real father is a bastard" I said shocking myself. Luckily the bell rang before they could ask anything.
I can't believe I just willingly told them that. I had never spoken so freely with anyone to admit that.

I am not sure how things work in college so I am sorry if I made any mistakes.

(Edited) Please vote&comment and share and follow me if you want to...

Thank you☺.

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