Chapter 22

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"Baby, wake up." Cedric whispered in my ear and I only groaned in response. "Come on, don't be so stubborn." He said.

"I'm tired." I complained throwing a pillow at him, not even sure if it hit him or not.

"I thought you were an early riser." Cedric questioned in amusement.

"Well it's your fault I'm tired." I muttered opening my eyes and slowly sitting up.

"How is it my fault?" He shouted appalled.

"You're the one who kept me up last night." I accused making him smirk.

"I didn't hear you complaining." He retorted adding a wink. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the faint blush that covered my cheeks.

"Quit being so cocky about it." I muttered, making him chuckle and kiss my cheek. "Why did you even wake me up so early?" I asked.

"Babe, it's one o' clock in the afternoon." He pointed out and my eyes widened.

"Just answer my question." I snapped.

"Well, I'm taking you out for a picnic so get ready." He said, leaving the room before I could object. I let out a sigh deciding to get ready.

A week has passed since Ryder and I made up and we had been spending a lot of time together and it felt good, but now todat I have a bad feelinf in my stomach.

After getting ready, I went downstairs where I saw Cedric talking to Shaw. Shaw has been coming over a lot ever since he and Lorraine started dating and he and Cedric had been starting to get along well

"Hey Shaw, where's Ryder?" I asked as I went to stand next to Cedric.

"I'm great Dakota, how are you?" Shaw replied sarcastically. I glared at him playfully.

"Your sarcasm isn't needed." I told him dryly.

"I don't know where Ryder is, he left early this morning for a meeting." Shaw said and I nodded, ignoring the bad feeling in my stomach.

"Well Dakota and I have to go. We'll see you all later." Cedric said, taking my hand and leading me out to the car.

"So where is this picnic?" I asked as Cedric took hold of my hand.

"At the park." He said making me raise an eyebrow.

"But there will be kids playing around." I stated.

"Well I actually reserved the park for us." He said and I frowned.

"Can you even do that?" I questioned.

"Well I did do some bribing, but trust me you'll love it." He said squeezing my hand.

"If you say so." I teased, making him chuckle. The ride wasn't long and Cedric soon parked the car, before getting out and coming over to my side to open the door for me.

"This is not the part where you kill me because we're alone right? Because I can totally kick your ass." I stated.

"Please babe, we both know I'm stronger than you." He retorted and I scoffed.

"Whatever floats your boat." I muttered quietly.

Cedric led me towards the middle of the oark and I gasped at what I saw. The picnic was already set up with a few candlea placed around the blanket and music playing in the background.

"Why are there candles?" I asked.

"Well if it gets dark, we'll be lighing them because I don't plan on leaving early." He explained and I smiled as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love it." I told him. We went sit down and he got out some champagne and some snacks.
"Why is it non-alcoholic?" I questioned.

"Because we are not getting drunk on our second date." He said and I raised an amused eyebrow.

"So this is our second date?" I questioned.

"Yup." He said, before placing a kiss on my lips.

Like Cedric said he wasn't planning on leaving early, because it was already six o' clock. I wasn't complaining though, becaise I am having the best day with Cedric, but then there's this bad feeling in my stomach again and just then my phone rings.

"Hello." I answered the phone with a frown. There was no called ID. Cedric gave me a questioning look.

"I decided to give you a bit of warning to back off and move back to London, before the next target is your little boy toy." Arnold said through the speaker and my blood ran cold.

"What do you mean?" I asked. The line suddenly went dead, but a message with an attached adres was send to my phone. When I saw the picture a murderous scream left my lips and I fell to my knees.

"Dakota, what the hell happened?" Cedric asked panicked. I showed him the phone and he cursed.

"Come on baby." Cedric said helping me up and we ran towards the adress that was sent to my phone.

Tears were streaming down my face and I struggled to sit still.
When we arrived at an abandoned warehouse, I quickly got out of the car and ran inside the buidling and screamed again.

"No, no, no. Please don't be dead." I pleaded as I ran over to Ryder's bloody body. There were bullet wounds and stab wounds.
"No." I screamed when he had no pulse. I pounded on Ryder's chest, before hugging his body close to me and letting my sobs out.

"Shit Dakota." Cedric muttered, rushing towards me.

"He's dead, they killed him." I sobbed and Cedric pulled me into his chest, trying to comfort me, but I only kept repeating the same words.

I just lost the last family I had left and I will make sure Arnold pays for this...

Okay so I know I don't update this story a lot but that's only because I am trying to get more views, but since it's my birthday I decided to update.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading☺.

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