Chapter 25

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Today we have a lot of planning to do. I feel anxious and nervous about tomorrow. I'm scared that somebody might die or end up getting hurt.

Shaw, Greg, Dallas and a few other guys arrived early this morning, saying that if we want this plan to work out, we should start early.

Cedric had gathered all the best fighters he has in the gang to help out. They were a little wary at first to trust the other gang, but we assured them thay there were no threats and they seem to be getting along very well now.

I was currently in the living room with the girls as we discussed a few things.

"Everyone needs to be wearing combat clothes tomorrow. It will be easier to fight in." I suggested.

"You have a point and everyone in the gang has combat clothes so it will be no problem." Saige said.

They noticed I didn't say anything after Saige spoke and they noticed the look I was giving them.

"What's bothering you?" Chanel asked.

"Edric, Talon and Shaw are wary about you coming along. I know that they agreed for you to come along, but please be careful out there. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt if anything happened to one of you." I told them.

"We will be fine, Dakota. You will need to focus on what you're doing so you will just have to trust that we'll be fine." Saige said and I nodded.

Everyone who was helping with the planning were gathered in the study, most were bust on their laptops looking at the layout of Arnold's safehouse.

"You asked for me?" I questioned as I walked up to Cedric who pulled me in for a kiss.

"Yes, I need you to put everyone into groups." He said and I nodded.

"Okay well we have 30 people from each gang. Cedric, Edric, Saige and I, along with eleven others will form a group. There are four entrances. We will go to the main entrance. Shaw, Lorraine, Talon, Chanel and eleven others will go to the second entrance, Blaze and his team will go to the third entrance, Greg and Dallas and their team will go to the fourth entrance." I told them as I wrote the names of the teams down.

"Since we are fifteen in each group, we will need to plan who goes first and who is the back up. You will need to be stealthy and try not be seen or heard. My team will go for Arnold. The rest keep his men distracted. As soon as the first ones are inside then all the back up will go in." I explained handing everyone a sheet with the names of their team.

"How will we get to the safehouse?" One of Cedric's gang members asked.

"We will go by car, but we will walk to our destination. Talon had found four paths for each team to take. There will be electric fences nearby, which will be shut off when we get there. Everybody has ten minutes to get in before they notice the fences are out and reboot the system. Make sure you leave no man behind and make sure you do not die." I said and they all nodded.

"Go find your teams and start working on your strategy to get inside." I told them and they left.

"You're good at this." Cedric said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't like being good at this." I muttered quietly.

"Why not?" He asked in confusion.

"Because it remind me of who my real father iz and that I might be just like him." I whispered. Cedric placed his hand under my chin making me look at him.

"You are nothing like him, Dakota. Don't ever think you two are alike. You may have his blood, but you're better than him." He told me and I smiled.

"I love you so much." I told him making him smile.

"I love you too." He replied, pulling me in for a kiss

"Come on, we have to go talk to our team." I said while taking his hand and heading to our team.


I cant believe I reached over 1k views. It may not be much, but to me it is a big deal and I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your day to read my story.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the story is almost done, only a few chapter left. I will post the next chapter as soon as I can. Please vote&comment and enjoy the rest of your day.

Thank you😊.

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