On Hiatus.
"You know, when I had first met you, I thought you were a bitch."
"Really, what changed?"
"Nothing, I still think you are a bitch,I've grown to like that about you."
You would expect a girl with whon Jackson Whitt...
I am really sorry for the late update. I am currently in the middle of the treatment for my back problem. ........... Jacksonwasunhappytosaytheleast. Hewasnotchangingintoawerewolf. Somethingwaswrongwithhisbody. HehadbeencalledbythenewprincipaltotalkaboutMr. Lahey. "Are you sure about this?" Asked the principal. "Positive" replied Jackson, he was already getting bored. "Very well" replied the old man. Jackson gave him one last look and quickly left. He had been walking down the hallway when he saw Lydia. Before she could say anything, Jackson grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the lockers.
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"What did you do to me?" He hissed. Lydia was scared, Jackson was violent but not like this. "I don't know... What are you talking about?" Cried out Lydia. "Don't lie to me bitch, you are the reason I can't change" replied Jackson. Lydia was ready to burst into tears. The pair was interrupted by Danny and Rebecca. "Are you out of your mind" yelled Rebecca, going over to comfort Lydia. Instead of answering, Jackson chose to glare at them and stormed off. "Danny, go talk to him. I'm gonna take her to Allison" said Rebecca, slowly pulling a terrified Lydia with her. ...................... Rebecca found Allison along with Scott and Stiles in the parking lot. "Was that Erica getting into Hale's car?" She asked confused. "Yeah, Derek changed her too"explained Scott. "What happened to her" asked Scott, pointing at Lydia. "Jackson" informed Rebecca, sighing. "Why don't we go ice- skating. Lydia may feel better" suggested Allison. .................. 'Thisis a bad idea' Thought Jackson, walking through the forest. He was currently on his way to talk with Derek. He was going crazy. He found that the lot was empty. It was too quiet. The door was unlocked. He tried to get in.
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Instead of Derek, he found Allison's father along with others. "What are you doing here?" Asked Chris, surprised. "I was looking for Derek"Answered Jackson. "Don't. Just don't. Unless you want to be hunted" warned Chris. Jackson nodded uneasily and quickly left. ............... "Feeling better " asked Allison. The group was currently at the ice rink. WiththeexceptionofRebeccawassittingorrathersleeping, theotherswereskating. Lydia nodded and did another twirl. ...................... Itwasdarkoutside, themoonwashiddenbytheclouds. Itwasgoingtorainsoon. Rebeccahadbeenwalkingforaboutanhournow. Shewaslost. Shecouldhearsomevoicesbutitwasnotclear. Shewentclosertofindahugelizardlikecreatureand a hoodedguy. "Rebecca" announcedthehoodedguy. Thoseeyes! TheeyesofthelizardlikecreaturewerefamiliarbutRebeccacouldnotplacetheminhermemory. Shewasinweirdtrance. Herinnerturmoilwasinterruptedwhensheheardpeoplecallinghername. Rebeccawokeupwith a thudtofindherselfstill in the icerink. "What happened ??"She asked sitting up. "Lydia was feeling unwell. So Allison took her home" explained Scott. "I'll drop you home" added Stiles. .................... "You have been awfully quite" announced Stiles breaking the tension. Rebecca sighed. "I had this weird dream about a lizard like creature" she explained. Stiles thought for a minute and then replied,"Are you sure that you're human" Rebecca snorted and added,"Positive" The rest of their journey was very quiet. ............... Rebecca entered her home to find her sister waiting for her. "Where were you?" Asked Rose. "Ice Skating. Why?" Replied Rebecca. "Nothing,just a hard case" explained Rose. Many files and papers were laying all over the place. "About?" Asked Rebecca. "Some weird attacks have been going on. Looks like animals " answered Rose. "Well, don't overwork yourself" advised Rebecca and she left. ..................... Iknowthisis veryshortandkindalikeafillerchapter. and after that college is starting so the updates may be late. Alsoanotherimportantthing. Iwasplanninhoncontinuing this HamiltonSisterseries. AsdescribedinthestoryRebecca'soldersister, Roseis a detective. SoIwasthinkingaboutwritingastorysetin s3, wheresheisinvestigatingthesacrifices. Alsomaybehave a littleDerekHaleromance?? Pleasecommentyourthoughtsaboutthisidea. andwhetherIshouldwriteit.