Chapter 2

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My T-Shirt sticks to my skin as Jules and I stand in line. With the sun trying to melt us, I was glad for once that I didn't have pounds of heavy make up on.

"This is just soo exciting!" Julia jumps up and down from excitement, her wild brown hair flying like crazy.

"Calm down before you hurt yourself.....or anyone else for that matter!" I warn, placing my hands on her shoulders to ground her.

"Your right I should, that doesn't mean I won't!" She replies, continuing to bounce. I roll my eyes in amusement, focusing my attention back to counting all the girls in line.

"401, 402 403! There's 403 girls to sign up for this stupid choosing of a princess!" I huff, earning a glare from a few of them.

"Oh come on! Do you not remember Queen America and King Maxim's love story? It's sooo sweet!" Julia cries. "Don't you want something like that?"

"I don't know? Who would ever want a poor, wasted talent, Eight?"

"Again, have you not heard the story of Queen America and King Maxon's love story?"

"Have you? She was a Five! Say it with me Jules, Fiiiivvveeee!" She swats me on the arm, giving me a hard, cold glare.

"I meant the poor part, I can do math!"

"What's 5,094+678?"

"That's not important! The point I'm trying make is the Schreave family has taken a liking to the poorer Castes in the Selection."

"Well, didn't King Clarkson really hate Queen America..."

"NOT THE POINT!" She rolls my eyes at me in annoyance. "Do you want me to encourage you or not?!"

"Save it for yourself! If any Eights gonna get picked, it'll be you!" I nudge her playfully. She opens her mouth, then closes it in frustration. "What's wrong?"

"'s just that I umm-"

"Next!" The strict lady, bored out of her mind screeches through the morning.

"Wish me luck!" I tell Julia, as I follow the robot witch.

"Good luck!" She smiles at sincerely, her eyes having a nervous flicker to them.

Miss Robot Witch takes me back into the pearly white building, and my eyes become blinded. The room reminded me of the sun reflecting off of freshly fallen snow.

"Follow quickly Miss Davis!" She spits my name like venom.

"How do you know my name?" I ask, astonished.

"Never mind that! We have a bunch of girls to get through, so stop gawking and try to follow directions!" She screeches at me. Closing my mouth and putting a blank expression in my face, I follow Cranky Pants Stalker to a small room littered in wires and other fancy equipment.

"Hand me your form!" A woman with wavy red hair and blue eyes that reflect the smile on her face.

"Umm, okay!" I gently hand her the fine paper.

"I love your middle name!" She comments, scanning my form. I sit on the stool in the center of the room.


"Yeah, its the name of Queen America's sister right?" She asks.

"Umm, yeah. I was named after her actually."

"Do you know why?" She curiously questions.

"Sorry, I don't!"

"That's okay, I can tell you though that she would be proud if she knew you were named after her."

"And you know this because...."

"Just trust me!" She replies in a sing song voice as she fiddles with her camera. "Now, smile!" She clicks a small button on her camera as I give my best smile. "Perfect!"

"Are you ready for the next girl?" Miss Robot Witch Cranky Pants Stalker impatiently asks.

"Yes Mother." The woman replies with an eye roll. Cranky slams the door, her footsteps echoing on the floor as she storms off.

"That's your mother?" I ask the photographer.

"Yes." She says in a far away voice.

"I'm so sorry!" She turns to look at me, her eyes filling back up with brightness.

"Yeah, well...She's just mad at me from something that happened a few years ago."


"It's in the past." I can spot a small tear try to escape her eye, before she wipes it away and ushered me to the door. "I hope to see your picture broadcasted across Illèa!"

Okay, I am soooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in like forever!!!!!! I had a lot of writers block!!!

I now where I really want to go with this books now(😂), so the updates will be a little more frequent now!!!

I won't update soon though because I will have no free time this week.......or next! Finals are so much fun!!! (😒😒)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!

Q: Is there anyone you recognized in this chapter??

Whahahaha!!! I have so much planned for this book!!!!

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