Chapter 3

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The sunlight blinds me as I step out into the Mid-July sun. I walk across the street to the neighborhood park where Julia and I decided was the best place to meet up since that Selection line was a dramatic black hole.

I find a park bench and watch all the people go on with their busy lives. Some so covered in dirt that all you could see was the their defeated eyes. Others wore so much jewelry that I was surprised they weren't hunched over in the weight. The interesting part about it all though was when the two from totally different worlds crossed paths. The poor always got looked down upon and the rich got a more confident stride in feeling superior. It made me want to do something about it, unlike the Monarchs.

After about an hour of people stalking, I start getting worried. Jules was supposed to be here by now. I begin to make the long walk home, maybe Julia thought we were meeting back there.

All the old stores and business building, cracked and slightly crumbling smile at me like their an old friend. This poor conditioned part of town looked sad to some people, but was a happy, cheerful place for me. All the noise from salesmen trying to attract costumers and the people entering and exiting businesses they thought would solve their financial problems....But those are problems are never solved in this side of town.

Night creeps over the horizon, ready to pounce at the sky. Making everything colder, and darker. I walk a little faster now, trying to stay ahead of the looming and sneaky darkness about to suck everything happy from everything and everyone. I turn left into my alley and hop over the dumpster. I lay my head against my teddy bear, ready to ignore the mysterious dark with sleep.


I bolt up the next morning to check if Julia actually made it "home".

"Jules?" I hope over her dumpster, to see nothing there but a small piece of paper held down from the violent wind with a small, obviously heavy pebble. I push the pebble aside and unfold the small note

Dear McKenzie,

By now, you (hopefully) have notice I'm not there. After you were taken back to take your picture for the Selection I left. There's a reason I made you enter the Selection. I wanted you to have a better life and not live the one we were living alone.

You see, I've been secretly dating a Two. You know that big mansion on the hill? That's where he lives, and well...HE ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!!!!! So yeah, I'll be living there now. I couldn't bare tell you in person! As you can tell from the smeared ink at the bottom it's hard for me to leave you! You've been my only family for as long as I can remember.

Goodbye McKenzie!


I crumble the paper and throw it as far as I can, not caring where it goes. The tears, hot and sticky pour from my face like a river on the hottest day of the year where swimming can't even cool you down.

"Hey, you have a nice arm!" A small voice says from the entrance of the alley. I look up to see a girl around my age with straight strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes.

"Umm, thanks?" I answer. She holds up Julia's note.

"It hit me straight in the forehead!" She smiles warmly, greatly confusing me.

"So, are you mad?"

"Not at all! I was hoping something like this would happen!"

"You are officially the weirdest person I have ever met!" She laughs gently.

"I get that a lot! I'm Addyline!" She holds out her hand enthusiastly.

"McKenzie Davis! Now, what brings you to this side of town since you obviously haven't been here before." I reply, shaking her hand.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Extremely! Your T-shirt is cotton, a luxury around here. Your jeans look brand new, cause the material isn't stretched from several wears. And, there's not a smidge of dirt of you!" I explain.

"Well, that's what I get I guess. I'm here with my Aunt and Grandmother. My Aunt is the one taking the pictures while my Grandmother takes the forms for the Selection entries." She replies, making me smile.

"I like your Aunt!" She smiles at me, then I watch as the smile reaches her eyes in astonishment.

"Wait, that means you entered the Selection?!" She asks.

"Umm, yes..." I reply.

"That's great! I mean I'll actually have a friend at the pala-" She cuts herself off, covering her mouth while I look at her curiously.

"You were gonna say palace weren't you?"

"Ummmmm, maybe?"

"Does that mean your.."

"Yes, I'm Princess Addyline!" She rolls her eyes before pulling her necklace from where she was hiding it underneath her shirt. The charm had the Royal Family Crest encrusted in diamonds.

"Wow!" I breathe, looking up at Addyline.

"Don't think of me as a Princess though! I hate the title!" She states. I nod and smile, glad I don't have to make a fool of myself like bowing and not making eye contact etc. "Well, I better get going McKenzie...Sorry I forgot your last name!"


"Davis, hmmm! Okay, bye!" She waves her hand, her perfectly polished nails gleaming in the sun light before hiding her face with her hair and dashing away.

I lay against the cool marble of the building making up the alley, closing my eyes. In less than two days I had met three royal family members. Me, a lonely poor Eight.

"This is not going to end well!"

Another chapter done!!! I've been trying to get a little more frequent with updates!! I'm trying my best!!!

YAY!! ADDYLINE!! She's one of my favorite characters to write about! She has so many secrets mixed into her life!

Sooo, Julia's missing!! Whahahaha! If you read my original Dreamed Series you probably know what's going on, and yes I'll be writing something about her!

Okay, so I know not all of you read my book Randomness With A Sprinkled Donut, but you might consider it because right after this I'll be posting some HUGE Dreamed news!! Like, major you cannot miss!!! YAAAAY! SOOOO EXCITED!!!!

Anyway, that's about all from me! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

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